KARMAYOCIN Convention is commined to period of orushon diwn open and lawful polít: On our own side we have great imunition and popular indifferenee, cal activity in order to give a and preming me to solve. dislike and opposition. If the NA- demperate ani nullen nation into National education thugisbee for tionalista mtand book any longer, the hands of the Hercely enthus. want of moral stimulae, financial cither the national moveinent will instic and unscrupules for that M r and emancipated brains disappear or the void created will bave urixen aming is inside and keca and bold enough to grapple be filled by a sinister and wintent on tride Indir. So long Hw any knip with the difficulties that hamper ita Activity. Neither result can be holu is left for purceful effort, we orgunition and progress. The tolerated by men derimoide of their will not renounce the struggle. movement of Arbitration, supuseful country's development and freedom. If the conditions to made ditticult
in its inception, has been dropped The period of waiting in over. and alinust impossible, can they 19 result of repression. two things mnde clear to
The be worse than those our country. Swadeshi-Boycott movement Atilt 1., first, that the future of the nn-men have to contend against in the
HOVEM by its own impotus, but its tion is in our hands, and, secondly, Trunstaal? Or shall we, the Hower
forward march has no longer the that from the Moderate party we
of Indian culture and uducation, rapidity and organised irresistibi. can expect no cordial co-opertion in show les capacity and self-devotion lity of forceful purpose which oner building it. Whatever we do,we must than the coolion and shopkeepers
swept it forward. Social problemu flow ourselves, in our own strength who are there rejoicing to suffer for
are pressing pon ns which wo can and courage. Let us then take up the honour of their nation and the no longer iguore. We must take up the work God has given 1 like welfare of their community
the organisation of knowledge in courageous, stendfast and patriotic What is it for which we strive ? our country, neglected throughout nwen willing to ancrifice greatly and The perfect self-fulfilment of Indin the last century. We must freu venture greatly because the inition and the independence which is the our social and economic developal is great. If there are anyth- condition of self-fulfilment are our ment from the incubus of the litinerved by the fear of repression, let ultimate goal. In the meanwhile gious resort to the ruinously exthem stand anide. If there are any such imperfect welf-development pensive British Courts. We must who think that by Anttering Anglo- and such incomplete self-government once more seek to prish forwaal the India or coquetting with English as are possible in long fuvourable movement towaud econoinic selfLiberalism they can dispete with circumstancux, must be attained 14 circumstances, must be attained in
sufficieny, industrial independence. the need of effort and the inevitabi- A preliminary to the more distant These are the objects for which lity of peril, let them stand aside. realisation. What we week is to we have to organize tho national If there are any who are ready to be evolve welf-government either strength of India. On us fills the satisfied with mean gains or unsubs- through our wwn institutions or burlen, in 118 alone there is thu tantial concorsion, let them stand thronghthone provided for us by the moral nrdour, faith and rondiner aside. But all who deserve the law of the Innd. No such evolution is for sacrifice which can attempt and tame of Nationalista, must now possible by the Inter nouns without yo furto nocomplish the task. come forward and take up their noin menure of ndministrative But the first reynisite in the or. burden.
control. We deinand, therefore, notganization of the Nationalist party, 'The fear of the law is for those the monstrous and misbegotten I invite that party in all the great who break the law. Our aims are scheme which has just been brought centre of the country to take up vrent and honourable, free from into being, but a measure of reform the work and sist the lorden stain or repronch, our methods are based upon thore democratic prin who will shortly meet to consider peaceful, though resolute and stre- ciples which are ignored in Lord steps for the initiation of NationalOnOUR We shall not brenk the law Morley's Reforms, literate elec ist activity. It in desirable to And, therefore, we need not far the Korate without distinction of creed, establish a Nationalist Council aud Inw. But if a corrupt police, un- nationality or caste, freedom of
hole a inceting of the body in berupulous officials or a partial judi- election unhampered by exelsory
Mareh or April of the next year. cinuscs, nn effective voice in legisla
yo voice in legisla. ciary make line of the honouruble
It is necesitry Hinuto ustablish priblicity of our political methods tion and finance and some check
Nationalist Asmuciations throughharms the men who stand in front upon an arbitary executive. Wo de out the country. When we have
done this, we shall bu able to for. by illegal kases, suborned and mand also the gradual devolution of
mulate our progruinine and saw me perjured evidence or injust executive government out of the
our proper place in the political decisions, shall we shrink from the hands of the bureaucracy into those
life of India.
AUROBINI GHUSK toll that we have to pay on our of the people. Until thom: denuando Inarch to freedom ? Shall wa cower rre granted, we shall be the
Gold behind a petty socrecy or a dis- pressure of that refusal of co-opera.
5 & Model honourable inactivity? We must tion which is termed passivo POMIRhave our associations, our organiser tance. We shall exercise that
FOR tious, our means of propaganda, pressure within the limits allowed
ownmake FOOTBALLS. and, if these are suppresved by us by the law, but apart from that
Agents wanted everywhere. i arbitrary proclawiuntions, we shall limitation the extent to which we
Lists free on applications have done our'auty by our mother shall uke it depends on expediency
SEN & SEN land and not on the will rest any and the amount of resistance 'we
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