Ato party ware based on a comprol to 118 by bureanaratie banloitu. I
to us by bureaucratic benignity. roal legal Constitution of the Counise frained at the Amrita Bazar On the other hand, the Nationalists gress; they consented to leave Oftioe last year which has siuce were expected to sign a creed over the question of the four Inc been rejected by the Modernts in .which they could not uphold An lutions, reserving only their contione of its most important features, their own conscientions belief, to tutional right to move them in namely, the insistence on the new recognize an unconstitutionnl consti- Subjoute Coinmittee and in Conceptance of the four Calcutta resolu- tution and to leave tho four rewolutions as an indispensable condition tions to the chances of a Moderte heon faircr, nuore gonerons, inore of union. The Moderate proposal Subjoets Committee and the possiblo thoroughly perruud by the desire was that the Nationalists should prohibition of their amendments to bring about unity even at the nign the creed unconditionally and by n Mohto or Molaviya
cost of substantin, indeed immense accept the Conventionist constitu- The Nationalist members of the
conversions ?
conce tion, but that the Bombay lenders
Comunittoo rejected these impossible! Our attitude with regard to the should be asked to consent to the
detanud and submitud proponnis creed has been consistont through formation of a Committee this year
of their own on each of the three out. We nocepted the Colonial nt Lahore to revise the Constitution
main points nt issue. They con- self-government resolution at Caland pass it ny revised at the next
sented to accept the first Article | cuttit in 1908 because we knw that Mession. The terms of the revision
of the Moderate Constitution which it w.is the opinion of the majority. would naturally be left to that Com
declared the objucts of the Con- We riccepted it no labna unit voittou and if it were equally composed
IV to be selfgovornment and Hughly because it was the opinion of Nationalista nud Molerntes, there
the acquisition of the rights of of an influential winority whom would have been home value in the
British citizenship: they refusait did not wish to alierinte. If we buil concession. But by a rule of the
to accept the connd Article which been asked to subscribe to it non Moderate constitution, all Ascin
requires every roprosenttivo clect- creed or even in the wojects of the tions not of three years'
ed by the people to subscribo per. Congrume in 1900, we whould have standing would be debarred
sonally io these objects as a pre- at once and etnphatically refused. from wonding delegater. The for
condition of entering the pandal At Pubna thu Modernton did not nation of the Nationalists into a
is delegnto. They refused to venture to demand any such subdistinct party was only completed
accept the Constitution nsn Consti- cription from the delegates, they in the year 1906, that is precisely
tution, but they consented to accept did not ask it at Hughly. They knew three years nyo. And the rule wns it as a set of provisional rules
very well that the demand would - vidently framed in order to help
allowed by mutual agreement to have been indignantly repudiated in making impossiblu the election
govern Congress proceedings until by Bengal. We now go further and of Nationalist delegates. At the
A renl Constitution was passed next consent to accept it as the object> Line the rule was framed there
year, provided that the role limit- of the Congress, to be only altered WAY not and could not be any ing the right of election to Anso
when all India wishes to alter it, for association of our party with the ciations of three years standing
that is the provision in the Mockr requisito qualification, and much
which accepted the creod, whould bodies as would have bren qualified
ate constitution. We proposed to
Accept it and when www,
tuin have
be mostly
made inoperative by the purished
same tuutual Agreement. is the storin of repression which
the namu spirit, either in the
greed not to pre the four reso- opinion of the majority or as lotuke on the Nationalists nfter the anatural alliance between cercive lutions nu precondition of union, necessary concesion to becure the
dhesion of an influential Ininority, Wciliation and an Indian porgressive provided they receivel An Assurance
that they should not be debarred jmrty previous to the Surnt Con.
It is * political accommodation,
som in the Subiect nothing else, To consent to Article II. gres, ---an Alliancenot then declared,
which IM but sufficiently
#clube of exclusion Committee and, if necesary, in the proved by the
Congress itsell. conduct and utterances of Sir Pheroz
The Moderates limiting popular election, is a very
different butter. The rejected the proposal; they de. lanh Muhtaand Mr Gokhale then and
Argument was tut it is not unded unconditional acceptance after. It is evident, thertore, that
red and subscription to thy orved as
We Artshelto sigu, but nyit if we nocupted the Moderate cons
the indispensable brasis of union. declaration of acceptance of the titution apart from its utter illegality Yet the Nationalists had realy
objets of the Congress and in it we should be cunsouting to our own (xclusion by an clectural devicu
conceded everything which the other werd tot in any way limit or Wiworthy of Lord Morley himself, even
party could rewnably expect. They ty wir peech um cha Kept to? though the front door might be
acceplula limited soligovernment is the few hours sunt in the contes
the object of the Congress, although adil. Apart from the very open to l. Only an
thu honuinely
they refused to necupt it as their insignificant number of Nationalists
ful liticul bonesty of such * Ji. would be able to qualify as dole
own, they coupted the Molorate tinetinu, we do not believe that it is
ounintitution with gates and the R:vision Committee
the exception the view of the crood huld in other
foue nubclause which ineant the arts of India and in practice il cul4 would be * Moderate Committee
exclusion of Nationalist delegates ; not work. The District Ansecintions aud the revision a more malifica
and made uo fierthe Atipuint and the politel Awowe Line tion of unessential details. The concession therefore was uugatory.
that it should be changed in any electing deh gutes to the S... As illusory as the Roforms offered way previous to being passed as the gross are expected by the Moduinte USE CHATTERJ! BRO'S RAZOR AND SURGICAL INSTRUNENTS THE BEST & RELIABLE IN THE MARKET