decent; it wonld be better clone A Now Sophism. established by Sj. Manom njan
behind a veil. And what do the Guha at Pabna. He then distinct. Another and very singular argu.
authorities hope to gain by these ly expressod his doubt whether this Inent in culvanced by the lengles would be suficient to make the
unique researchos? Do they hope which evinces * similar disregard Nationalist attitude clear to the
to see either bomba or packets of of facts all of the real significance
sodition being carried of facts. It is alleged that both cr.untry and the advantage taken of
into the
building? Or is a leader of public our complainance by the Brngulee rides in Bengal me agreed us to to mikropresent the Nationalist at.
agitation likely to convert his new The four resolutions, that the crowd titude at Pubna shows that his
paper office or his house into ut is part of the four rcaulation, that
open rosort of socret conspirators! the crew way accepted by the
appruhensions were perfectly justified. If this is the light in which
Even a burenucracy onght to credit Nationalists at Pabna and therethe Montemtor choose to put the
its political opponents with Note fore they ought not to ubject to Nationalist willingness to compro
little corpion sense, even if they sign it in a condition of untering the
cannot credit them with honesty of Congres. In
mise, it inay be necessary at the the first place, next Conference for our party not
motive and frankpers of action. if the folur mesurlutions are to ho only to love an amendment but to
Convention Voyagers. bitting on the Nationalists
We understand that some weven er: put it to the vote regardless of that they must be rewly to wign Muxlernte threats of secession.
eight faithful hearts are ineditut. one of them at the call of the
ing the journey.to Lahore to skidt Mulonte thru they must be made Patlle Espionage.
Mr. Muda Mohan Malaviyn irrearequally binding on the Modernes
| Wo wonder whether it is really rying out Sir Pheruzsbah's ordets. mu wu call on thom to migui de impossible to maintain a great We wish them a good voynge and claration of ncceptance of the Boy- Empire without demoralising one- speedy repentancu. One wouders cott as a cuudition of entry into nn self and the country by means of by the way, where the delegntext United Congress. Just the nn unworthy system of espionage the Convention are going to su Moderates from Burn bay nocopter Since the initintion of the Swadeshi up from at the last motivent.
Since the initintion of the Swndeshi the Buyoutt ruwlution at Calcutta movement the army of wpics and
watch in vain for the news of u. in deference to the weight of public informors have grown as plentiful
merous elections all over the coun opinn. HUWW accepted the Colons inneet munnbright light.
pted the Colons insects fourrl n bright light. try. Secret conclaves, rushed up vial welf-govorniaent resolution as Forner'y men of some distinction
quarrels, wittings with silent visi. the opiniou of the majority and are had the honour of being watched
tors, and, fimully, secret clections 190 nors bound to subscribo to it in their houses, dogged in their
seem to be the best features of personally tbun Sir. Phorozuhah goings, honoured by the private in
convention politics ! Or ure the Mehta is bound to subscribe to the spection of their correspondence. delegates ashained of publishing Hoveott. The four resolutions But now'nnys it is enough to be their mies!
tely fraud compromise suspected of patriotism to have the bwtworn the two political schools, inefficient hireling of the Police,
CREED AND uot u declaration of Nationalist if not the worthy guardians of the faith. As for Bongal, it is well Law themselves, sticking like
CONSTITUTION. known that the whole of Bengal burs to one's hools. 14 anything The atturnpt to bring about the dow's not acopt Colonial self- gainor by those Oxosive and nu unity of the two purtius in Deng Lluvurbinent us the ultimate goal doubt costly prouutions! If we 49 a preliminary to the holding uinn of political aspirtion. At Pabnare to judge by the surry specimens United Congress has split on the . it was only w avoid a discussion who havo besieged us for the list twin rucks of creud and cotixtitutivu. Inngerous to unity that the Nation six months, 1 more incapable crea- We will pluce before the country as L'ists contented the rolves in spite turu than the ordinary Indian succinctly 8 powsiblo the isntes of the majority they hul, with Ty does not exist. He has an en- which were posited during the nega placing their dissunt on record orging simplicity of artifice tiations and state clearly the Nathrough the mouth of Sj. Monos which at once betrays his savoury tionalist attitude, leaving it to Bem ranjan Gluha. The Denpales cannot voention, and if he does not carry gal to judge between us und the up live forgotten that mcident. It
"spy" written legibly out his fore. hulders of thu Convention's creer 8 forived agnin at Hughly when head, as I coultitude of them do ho and constitution. We ask our couuthe Moleratus insisted on whittling is so transparent in his methods trymen tu consider whether the conslow thru Bruycutt to a mere com- that he night just as well bu labell- cussions we wady were not large luurcial measure as in price of their cd, "Due ut Boyd Stroot." Nor atid suuntuntiul and the single conrthurouce to the Conforencu aud do we quite see what is mined by Cushion uffered to us worthless IN Rj. Aurobind. Ohose Jorired to watching a man's house or his officuuugatory, whether the ruservation Luring forward an ameruhu.ent, which with an open brazcunch 'The we madu were not justifiable and he would subsystently withdraw,
w, ufficu of the Dharma hos recently necessary, except ou the viuw that in order to that the National | boon favopred with the loitering of principles are of no value in politics isty lil notar the solution ns watchers who spend their days gaz- and, if they come to the conclusion the opinion of the country. The
ing lovingly at the building and that the proposals we inade were fait
ing lovingly at the building and Mudente leaders threatened to waking afflictionate and importu- and moderate, we ask them to abwithdraw if this was done and Sj. nnte enquiries it to the movemento solve two of all responsibility for the Aurobindo (hose will requested to hand habits of the eclitor. This open failure of the begotiatione. contine hitself to the precedent lovemaking strikes us as a little in The terms offered by the Moder