excitable, carnet declamatory, now detract from their valuo would say on the subjeot, but by Loud and even bysterical, if you and the possibility of remov-ruggosting what they think the will. in ome of his methods, but ing them and providing perfect spirit ought dramatically to think
ninly peither a liar dor 4 swin experimental conditions which would or may, so that Mr. Gladstone is dler. He doos and anys what he bo- cnable us to arrive at a satisfactory mule to talk in interminablo cloudy Lieves and nothing else. It is impos. scientific resnlt. Until the value and circumambient periode whicb
ible to dismis his Bureau as an im- of the cominunications are scienti. were certainly his oratorical style posture or mne journalistic roclamo.
fically established, anynttempt to use fically establi
but can hardly havo been the staple Ta isipible to dismiss the pheno-them for utilitarian, thentrical or yet of his conversation, and Lord Bea
1.200 fpirit communientions, even lighter purposes is to be deprecat- consfield is obliged to be cynical with all the imposture that unscru. oil, ns such misuse may end in shut- and in moral in the tone of his uulous y makers have importing a wide door to potential know. observations. They interfere again tet into them, as unreal or a de- lodge upon humanity.
by eagerness, which sumetimes ception. All that can reasonably From this point of view Mr. produces replies recording to the be suit is that their true nature Stead's bizarre experiments are to sitters' wishes and sometines others has not yet been established bebe deprecated. The one redoeming which are unplant or alarming von disple. There are two con feature about them is that, as con- but in neither case reliable. This is Cevable explanations, one that of ducted, they seem to remove the first e-perilly the case in answers about itual spirit communication, the clomontary diffioulty in the wny of the future, which onght never to bo oth that of vigorously dramatised
investigntion, the possibilty of human asked. It is truo that many asimagitad y conversations jointly com
tonishing predictions occur which p witia wouderfal skill and con- that he has got rid of professio- Aro perfectly nocurita, but these sistiny by the subconscious minds,
nal moliams anillows only na! morti
stre fair outweighed by the mass of whutusver that may be, of the per
carnestiinded and honourable false and random prediction. The non present, the medium being the
investigators to be present. But difficulties can only be avoided by chief dramaturge of this subconscious the other elements of error and con- rigidly excluding every question literary Committee. This theory
fusion are encourage rather than accompanied by or likely to raise is ) wildly improbable and so obvi.
obvinted by the spirit and methods engorners or expectation and by ously opposed to the nature of the of Mr. Ston's Bureau. First, cultivating entire mental pansivity. phenomena themselves, that only ther t error and self-deception The last however is imparerible to an obstinnte unwillingness to admit of the net The spirit does not the medium union he in practised new facts and ideas cin explain express himself directly but has to Yogin, or in a trapec, or a medium ity survivid, although it was natural give his thoughts at third hand; who has a nd the habit of MM and justifiable in the first stages they come first to the intermediary vivity by unconscious developof investigation. There remains
spirit, Julia or another, by her they ment due w long practice. In the the explanation of actual spirit are conveyed to the human medium Nitters we do not nee how it is to be communication. But oven when Anul through him conveyed by auto. induced. Still, without memotion we have decidud on this hypothesis nitic or conscious speech or wiiting al indifference to the nature of the as the base of our investigation, we to the listeners.
he listeners. It is obvious how It is obvious how
answer and mental passivity the have to be on our guard ngainst largely the mind of the medium
conditions for so difficult and del a miltitude of errors; for the com- and, to a smaller but still grunt ex
cato a pro of communication munications are vitintod first by tent, the thought-impressions of cannot be perfect. the errors and solf-doceptions of the other sitters must interfere, and Error and well-leeption from the the medium and thu sitters, then this without the least intentioa on other side of the veil cannot be by the errors and self-deceptions of their part, rather in spite of a obvintert by any effort on this vide, the communicant spirits, and, worst strong wish in the opporite direcall that we can do is to reguise of all, by deliberate deceit, lies and tion. Few men really understand that the wpirity are limited in jugylery on the part of the visitants how the human mind works or are knowledge and cabined by chuructor, from the other world. The ele fitted to watch the process of their so that we have to allow for the tuent of deceit and jugglery own conscious and half-conscions mental and oral equation in the on the part of the mediuın thought even when the mind is communicant when judging the truth and his helpen is not always small, disinterested, still lesy when it is and value of the cominunication. Ab. but can easily bo got rid of active and interested in the kithjoct soluto deception nnd falsehood can Chup scepticista and choaper of communicntion. The sitters only be avoided by doclining to ridicule in such inatters is only interfere, first, by putting in their communicate with spirits of at luwer useful for comforting small braina own thoughts and expresions nug- order and being on guard againet ant weak imaginations with a sense gostod by the beginning of the their manerading under familiar of superiority to the larger minds communicntion, so that wint Loganor distinguished Damen How far Mr. who do not refuse to enqnire into as a spirit conversation code in a Stom and his circle have guarded phenomena which are at least wido- tangle of the medium's or sitters' Against the latter crrore we ennspread and of a consistently regular ideas with the little of his own that not my, but the spirit in which the cburnoter. Pho truo attitude is to the spirit can get in now and then. sitting are conducted, doch not examine carefully the nature of the They interfere not only by suggest- encourage us to suppo that phenomen, the conditions that ing what they themselves think or scrupulous care in taken in those