brutal and brutifying
Which . European
rospects. It is quite possible that efforts of a more orderly though demned to the brutal and bra some playful spirit has been enacting not less strenuous Nationalism to punishments by which Mr Gladstone to the too enthusing- organise and spread iteelf must be society avenges itself on the bar tic circle and has an uaud himself by seriously hampered. We are gladers of its laws,-We refer to elaborating those cloudy-luminous to noto that the Chief Justice has Kabiraj brothers found by periods which he mw the sitters in no caso condemned an accused in no caso condemned an Acculad
Benchcroft to be innocent of Conapir. expected from the great decensod
on the evidence of the watch-wit- acy and therefore presumably in. Opportunist. But we incline to the neuCM alone. Such evidence is nocent tools of conspirators. There view that what we have got in always suspect in the eyes of the is an uneasy sense that some at this now famous spirit interview, people of this country and the gross least have been added to the list IN A small quantity of Gladstone, a blunders, if they were no worse, by the judgment in appeal. Even great deal of Stead and a fair nea- committed by several of the poliee if it be so, however, the judges sure of the disembodied Julia and
witnesses in this case deprive their have done their best, and the the assistant peychics.
identificntions of all evidential European legal system has always
value. Once the confessions were been a lottery by which it is. THE ALIPUR
sulmitted as entirely voluntary and without any fault on the part of
entirely true, tho fate of the confes- the judge, for the guilty to escape JUDGMENT. sing prisoners and of thoso directly and the innocent to suffer. It is 000
implicated by them as active mem- perhaps one of the necesary riska The judgment of the Appeal
bers of the society was a foregone of joining in Nationalist movements Court in the Alipur Cisc has re- conclusion. The conviction of an to be liable to be confounded sulted in the reduction of sentences accused on huch serious charge one fate with secret conspirat to a granter or long extent in all
when there is no clenr incriminat- who happen to be asociates in but two notable instances, and on ing evidence against him except social or legitimnte political relatione the other hand, the maintenance of the concasions of others, is no And when the C. I. D. throws ita the finding of the Lower Court in doubl permissible under ordinary nets with a generous widenean. We all but six casus, on five of which jurisprudence when these confos- ought not to whine if such acci. there is a ditforence of opinion Hions crente a moral certainty in dents bring us into the meshes. The between the Chief Justice and the inind of the judge; but if this State must be preserved at any Justicu Carndut. So long as these
rule sometimes prevents the escape cout. In any case, the whole coun CILAOA Are still subjudice, wo reserve
of the guilty, it not seldom lends try inust be grateful to Sir Lowour general corriente on the trial. itself to the punishment of the in- rence Jenkins for the courtesy At present we can only offer a few nocent. Of more importance, how- patience and fairness with which he remarks on special fentures of the ever, and the one scrious flnw we are has heard the ense and given escry judgment. The acquittul of the
disposed to find in the Chief Jus- facility to the defence, an attitude Marathn, Hari Balkrishna Kunc, tice's judgment in the exaggerated which might with advantage be wust give universal satisfaction, as importance attached to familiarity copied by certain civilian judges in his conviction in the absence of any
and intimncy between the lenders and outside the High Court and evidence in the least establishing
of the conspimy and those whose even by certain Judges, not civihis guilt would have been a gross
guilt was open to doubt. When lians, in other provinces.. miscarriage of justice. The rejec- there is a secret conspiracy, it is tion of Soction 121 and the conse
inevitable that there should be THE NATIONAL VALUE quent elimination of thu death numbers of men intimately associa
OF ART. Hontoncus is niso a result on which ted with the members, perhaps
II tho Government and the country even C-perating with them in
-000 may both bo congratulated. Even surface political action, who are
The activity of human thought in the case of actual political anes- yet in entire ignorince of the close
divides itself broadly into two groups sing the intiction of the death and dangerous proceedings of their
of functions, those of the right hand. sentences, howovor logally justifi- friends. It was recognition of
contenuplation, creation, imagination, able, in bad policy. Death sentences this obvious fact that largely
the centres that see the truth, and tor political crimos only provide governed Mr. Benchcroft's findings;
those of the left hand, criticism, martyrs to A revolution:ry cruxe, but we cannot help feeling that
reasoning discrimination, inquiry, nerve the violent to fresh ncts of neither be nor the Appal Court,
the centres that judge the truth gennce and terrorism, and ignorant, like all Englishmen, of
when it is scen. In education the create through the liberation of the the actual workings of tho Ya
latter are fostered by scientific and spirit of the dead mun a psychical tional Movement, have given suffici
manunl training, but the only qualiforce making for further unrest aud ent weight to this consideration.
ty of the right hand that this thomu passions of political revolt As a result, the bunefit of the doubt
education fosters is observation. For and forcones to which they were has not been extended where it
this ronson a purely scientifio eduattached in life. The prolongation should have beon extended. Al
cation tends to make a man keen of terrorisın in undesirable in the ready it was a general conviction in the public mind that one innocent
and clearsighted within certain interests of the country: for, 80
man had been convicted and suc- limits, but narrow, hard and cold. long as young mon are attached to cumbed to tho' rigours of jail Even in his own sphere the man these methods of violence, the life, while two are hopelessly oon- without the training of the right
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