it does not provide for a ppular the progross of their lifelong suppor on the question of the Badget har cluctorite, it does not unit of the ters by fighting the representatives awakoned inuch curiosity, ridicule election of popular leler, it does of the new aspirations in the inter and even indignation. The ubiquinot crente a non-linsernment ma. ests of a middla class-party. Mr tous eloquence of Lord. Curson has jority . we would leaven the Macdonali belongs to the new been set flowing by what he conei. reasonable pouillity of strong thought, but ho is we believe, one I deny th
thought, but ho is, we believe, one ders this unscrupulous method of opposition " w.ntial printa.
of those who would hasten slowly to pressing the august departed into What hny te n try do to do the goal. He has not tho rugged the ranks of Liberal cloctioneering with an for Conneil stripped personality of Mr Keir Itardie, but agents, and he has penned an indieof the consenti / The jo hrok combines in hitaself, in a way nant letter to the papers in which ums, the f ore, the monentities Mr Hardie scarcely does, the old there is much ornat Curzonian who will to take vintage culture and the new spint. He has twaddle about macred nyateries and of the exnion of distinguished its broad a sympathy and its penetra- the sanctities of the grave. If there is and Traveling names in order to
ting an intelligence as Me Nevin anything at all in the alleged com enjoy nt, the expense of the wintry's mon, but not the Intter's quick inunications froro departed souls interest, the kules and sub- intensity. Nevertheless, behind the which have become of increasing stantin lvrentage of a sent on Hlow consideration and calm interest to the European world, is tho Couuril, will scramble for the thoughtfulness of his manner, one ought to be fairly established that newly-crunt hurenthat is the detects hidden iron and the conceal. the grave is nothing but a hole in kind of co-operation which the od roughness of the force that has the earth containing a rotting nie.. Clovernment wiil get froin the non- come to destroy and to build, some of nintter with which the spirit hex
come to destroy and to build, somo Mussulman part of the nation hint of the rugged outlines of no further connection, and that the under this scheme. The country Demogorgon, the claws of Nara wpirit is very much the same after remains sullen nu dissatisfied. Ningha. For every man is not only death as before, takos much interest Mr Macdonald's visit.
himself, he is that which he repre- in smnll, trivial and rnundane mat. The tour undertaken by Mrrents. Mr Macdonald has been torx and is very far from regarding Ramsay Nacional in Indin has been reservod and cuutious during his his new existence as a solemon sacred cut short by the call from Eng visit and has spoken out only on the and mysterions affair. If so, we du land summoning him home to take Reforms and Reuter, nor have his
It see why we either should hix part in the great #truggle remarks on these subjects passed upproach the departed spirit with which is the beginning of the the limits of what any sincere Libe. long and serious faces or with any end of Conservative and semi- ral would hold to be a moderate more unusual feelings than curios aristocratic England. In the perce- statement of the truth. Mr Mac
ity, interest and cugerness to acful rovolution which that strugglo donald is one who does dot spouk quire knowlege of the other world prosagos and in which it must out the whole of himself, he is and communication with those we doonor or later culminate, Mr piticun born, and born politicians knew and loved in this, in fact, the Macdonald's party stands to be tho do not entre to ontprce by tno greut ordinary human and carthly feeling final winnere. It is il nemi-So- * stride the speodily accomplish- existing between wouls sundered by cinlistic Radical element in the ible fact. Whatever wider vintas time and pace, but still capable of Ministry attracted toward the they may see beyond, they prefer to communication. But Lord Curzon hubour party to which the precipitanovo steadily towards then rather still aceins to be labouring under tion of this inovitable struggle is due. than to punk of them. So far awan the crude Christian concaption of The Labour party is now prudamina Englishman can help India, and that the blessed dead as angels harping tiegly Socialistie nil is purging under present circumstances is in heaven when spotless pluines itself of the old individualistic lov Ny Hall, he coruiny wishes w ought not to be roughly disturbed ven which broked forward to no he'p. It is not his fault that the by buman breath and of spiritury higher ideal than a right here blindtons of his countrymen and communication as a sort of necro day, Old Age o g and Trade he ennditions of the problem in mancy, the spirit of Mr. Gladstone Union polities. The Labour mem. India sanke men like him, perforce. being alinmonod from his carthy bers, Moss Blirt wud Fenwick, who little butter than nympathetic prec bed and getting into it again and represent this world element, wators of the passionato struggle tucking himself up comfortably in have rooivoltoticot quit from between establised privilege und his cuftia ter Julia and Mr. Stead the Jalmar i tions whirl mation in the making that the work have done with him. We should helped them into Parliament and vatchos now in T
have thought that in the bold and nach nonsense of a kind famliar to
innovating mind of India's only talked about the STEAD AND THE
Viceroy the COLINO European ingratitude of Labour to three
superstitions ought to have been veteran
0o-- Tho only justification
destroyed long ago. for the existence of theso gentlomen
Considerably attention has been It is not however, Lord Curton in Parlament is that they stand for
Attracted and exciturnent created by but Mr. Stead and the spirits with the new insurgent duraos and, if they
the latest development of Mr. W.T. whom we have to deal. We know cannot kuop pace with the advan- Stead's Agency for communicant Mr. Stead as a pushing and origincing sentiment of the people who spirits which he calls Julia's Bureau. al journalist, not always over defined keep thom in Parliament, their The supposed communications of or delicate either in his actions duty is w rotire, and tho ingratitu- Mr. Gladstone, Lord Bonconsfield or expression, skilful in the de in theirs if they try to hamper and other distinguisbed politicians advertisement of bis viows,