Mr. Mackarnem naked whether, in view APPEAL OF QANUAR DAMODEN BAVARKAR of the intention of the Government of
PUNCH" CASE, This morning on the Appellate Bide of India to deport agitators from their the Bombay High Court, the Hon. Mr. homes without charge or trial, the Master
THE JUDGMENT. Justice Chandavarkar and the Hon. Mr. of Elibank would may if the advocates of On Monday, 18th October, 1900, at Justice Heaton roured the hearing of
the policy of tariff reforin in India,known Thana Mr. J. L. Rieu, District Magiathe appeal proferred by Ganesh Damander
M swadeshi, ure, donsidered by the trute, delivered his judgment in the rule Savarker, whn, on the 9th June Inat, Government to be agitators and whether calling on Krishnaji Kashinath Phadke, was convicted of rodition under Section
he would recommend the Government to printer and publisher of the "Hinda 108A, and of attempting to wage war
iMusowe authoritative definition of the Pouch" and many other persons who against the King under Section 121 of
on 191 of offence of agitation that British wub. might he concerned to appear before him the Indian Penal Code, by Mr. BC jects in India may protect themselves to how canne why the conditional rule Kennedy, IC &., Seaslona Judge of Against the risk of deportation and im. con fincating the paper whandel not he Nasik, and was sentenced to two years' prisonment for unlimated period ?
made a huolute. Following in the full text rigu imprisonment on the first The Manter of Elibank: "I am not of the judgment rharge and to transportation for life an Aware what the hon member mean loy The question for dincussion is whether the necond charge, both wentences to run
"intention," nor what knowledge he has the conditional order isued by to under neurrently, and was further ordered to of the frame of mind of the Government Sub-nertion (1) of Rectie 3 of Act VII forfeit all his property to the Ciovern.
of India. Ar was stated in reply to of 1904 in repect of the printing press luent
quention on March 25th, no Hritinh rah. used for the printing and publishing of Mr. Jameph Baptinta, representing the
ject in India runs away Any rink of the the Hindu Punch and all copies of this appellants, commented at length on the nature indicated unless his conduct in newspaper, whall be Diade allute under
na on which the Nonnina Julge hu n ch An to natinfy the Governor General Hub Hection () of theme Section. ronvicted the accused. Mr. Baptista's in Council that it is necessary to detain Thin involves the further question whether interpretations were on several occasione him in order to secure the Britinh doni. the Hindu Punch containn any incitement
Westioned by Mr. Justice Chandavarkar. nions from internal con motion. The to murler or to act of violence. 'The judgment was reserved.
Secretary of State is not prepared either The respondente apprar in answer to hinwell to made or to order the Clovern the conditional order. They are Krish
ment of India to make any further state- naji Phadke who is the Printer and MIDNAPUR ENQUIRY. hent by way of definition."
Publisher of the Hindu Purch, and Dhol
Mr. Mackerncar. "May I ask the bon. du kanbinath Phuke, bis brother, who Mr. Mackarness arked whether at the gentleman whether he adheren to the in the Proprietor and Manager of the Midnapur inquiry held by the Commis. declaration minde by himself on Anghith Arnoluyn Prena in Thane at which the wioner, Mr. Macpherson, the publie were in this house that it was the intention of Hindu Punch in printed. On their tirnt wilmitted and all the witnesses were offer his Majesty's Government to remove from appearance the respondents handed in ed for crud examination, and whether their phere of operations all agitators ?" written statement. In his statement the Master of Elibank is in a position The Master of Elibank: "I did not Krishnaji l'hadke declared his willingnes to hate the conclusion come to by Mr. say that I aid it will the intention of to bind himself to dikontinue the publi Marpherson.
this country to maintain order, and if itation of the Hindu Punch and Jinline! The Master of Elibank replied: The Wall necorary agitators would have to be any intention in his part that the new Sextetary of State has thot yet received dealt with according to the law."
taper should convey any incitement either Mr. Macpherson's report or the Mr. Rene: “May I ask whether the Against Mr. Ginkhale. Nimlarly Dhond. cletailed information which he would re- Pamelits of the Indix Office endorse the Plindke declared him readines to under puire to answer the question. tu i n of wade-hi ** Toit
take not to allow the further printing of Mr. Mackeruns: "Is it a fact that the Ref ."
the Hindu lunch by his Pin Beth Superintendent and Chief Contable havu Mr. Lupton: "It is not a fuct that the
respondent expressed yret for the been most seriously implicated by this chief charge print the men deported
Appearance in the new pr of matter quiry and have been given long leave was that they were in favour of what is
which clovernment counidered objectiu uf absence! called Tariff Reform "
able. Their pleader ruggested that the The Master of Elibank : " I think that OPIUM IN ASSAM VALLEY. undertaking shuld lie Artpted and the me not arise out of the question."
The Master Elilank, replying to p erdings withdrawn. The art, how ANTI-SEDITION PROKLAMATION. Sir Herbert Rulerte admitted that the lever, provides the direction in the matter.
Cunumption of opium has increase of the dirertion that if the Naglatte Mr. Roes asked a question relating to
recent years in the Assam Valley district Matified that the new per contain the proclamations of the Mahir of and he quoted figures.
matter of the nature specified in Nuit Jaypur and the Raja of Rewa against
Nir H. cuttin: "In the hou, gentleman
wetion (1) lewhull' wake themeli ruliton. aware that in the proveeding mix years
tional order mulute, in imitiv, The answer was that Lord Morley ex. when I had the hour of adminntering
Morewer, there would be no logul .. 1 ted to recbiyo, official copied of these the Province, there was practically no
of making the proped undertakings pepelwinn i due course. When they increase in consumption ?"
binding on the respondente aceste Clue the Master of Elibank would com
The Master Elilanhoud not reply
ingly derlined to consider the arran municate with Mr. Neex
In support of the order, copies of the Rrue of the Hind: l'unch, luted the lih March and 2310 August 2009, which coutain the incriminatory Article wonin "Namdar lont by a drop" und "in Nam
dar Shakar or. Mazumdar" have bera ESTALBISHED 1887.
put in toogether with the copies of the inues of the 21st and 28th July and the
10th August which containe rs ESTABLISHMENT IN INDIA.
which that of the 23rd August forma If you want reliable and gengind Homoeopathic medicines, take care part sud of cartoon apparing the ti. that you get thein from RINGER'S.
nuo of the 20th Augunt. Translation of these articles or of extract have ... been put in their correcteren bu