whol for byth #istant to the in to prevent the disemination of matter I lave considered the effect which the Oriental Translatta sentiment. The whirha murder and arts of viole- are likely to produce on the mind the that of the wilwalel. "I nee in the abstract by preaching that they publie to whom they are wided. Nakuta MazumdarAnd the are legitimate or commendable. But wuch
I have not the leart hesitation in ways H e lly and stablish a limitation of the merge of the Act in thin effect must be one of very atra the identify of Me inhale with obviously inadmisible. If there in incite vitment to huurder and violence. Th. d 'In the wint in tit contentem ent to murder or to its of violence, mich wiiter in appealing to the members of the
incitement mount nevarily be directed extremit, or as he prefer to call it, the Thet h Nunuint 14 by against mingle individual or buy or nationa.int party. Mr. Ciuhale in bo "Its c hes Mr. Cioklecian of individuals or nyninst humanity up to externation AM tinitor to that
www at the Malm o n and in weneral in immaterial for the party, Areny of him own people, a un be the futility for the TOME fiquration of the applicability of the Act in who to "pirring with him bith. iving his or julation in the eych concerned.
throat of the rung uation. He in it the antionalist " of his inter. "The next contention in denial that the warned that the time will come when he Wellati in funcil on behalf of the article in question contain any incite will have twvapiate bin Timer lov tl... engel departeIt contains the follow ment to murder or to cutounit an act of warritle of his life. It is imuper to
Mivnificant 1444. "Do whatever violence on Mr. Gokhale. This in med Winh him a long life, but on the central We like but love commitel wil un on their interpretation an denling excluni. God whould be implored to ente hun wordenbo win at Madran, and dentli vely with Mr. Gokhale's militial entity wild LAHTN A more pritent incite. they munishment for it. Those thing of carrer and hnving no uhyrienl Applica went to moder and violence coulett will certainly not away from the tion to him. It is pointed out that well be imagined and of the pople until you me to throughout the article where IDM IN
I am ustitied, therefore, that the articles veur matural end." the branding of the natalint party,
in Wiwde l'unch contain inatter of the The article of the 20th Augint in the the triking of the brennt," the attempt
nature pecified in Sub-section (1) of huling one of the Helien in which Mr.
to throw Me" and the neck" of Section (3) of Aet Vil of 1910, and under och hade is held up to 1944 obuy and
the party are all wel metaphorically and Sub-section () of that Section 1 tahu I. vilification for his allowed pentily
not literally and in the concrete and that tny conditional order of furieiture #bu. want him untry ly his repudiation
therefore the references to the death of Mi. lute. and denouncintion of the methods of the
Gokhale, to the expiation which he miunt The respondent Dhondo Kashinath (trint or "nationalist" party in HIM
sutfor ete, met also be given the name Phadke but presented an applicution in bili prek recently delivered at Poona,
metaphorical interpretation. In the firet which he states that only one machine huu mundu w character being un
Articles the expression "natural endl" and thy frames of type ale unul for favourably compared with those of the
following intelintoly after the statement printing the Hindu Parh and pray that torious wolf seeking Mazumdai and the
that death in the only punishment for Mr. the order luny be made in expect of the lah Shahar. In this article, which
Cioklinle's offene, preclude the idea of a particular portion of his printing H u r of the conclusionis arrived at
physical death. The Marathi word "Shaonly. I do not we bow it in practicable in thr preording onen, Mr. (rokhule it !
Hu" which has been rendered wh punish to discriminate between particular 1. sted causing the cruel murder"
iment in capable of being applied to a well. tion of preer. It may be that the other of the extraunint party by his vile RCURI
intirted punishment, an Atonement in portion of the press could not be used for 4 and falme charges against them. A.
fnet, and the meaning of the Mentence in printing the paper without introducing daling how from behand and in the that Mr. (loklinle should give up all hopes
certain modifications in it size and uh, being inspired by mali at
of a further public enreer, that he shoul Appearance, but this would not 10 # howu pple, A tu anly davoming
unumit political suicide. "In reference unr to it production by the prom which lv et bir co-wharet killed by another par
tu hin the expiation ordained or Rayholia is the objert of this preventive me . An appropriate the entire pmity
Duda, viz. folf.immolation support this I Abot, therefore, entertain the di helf. He is cupared with be
id The Marathi word rendere l a4 ex. cation. The order of furfuitur: will er Litier Natu nix de la rellis his peeolu
pattun means a prince which is prescrib. tend we the whole of the printing plant We can pittel infantile, namely, the
at the trust of the winner himmelf and material of the Arunxlaya Prel thunder of the young nation. Interpersed and infoted by humself. The prayer for
which the Wind Punch bas been de with this vituperation and insectie
clared by its Publisher under the Piers the remowel of Mr Gokhale for his playi. And Registration of Books Act, 1RNT, mjuntions to keep a far from such :
ral annihilation lont mies els his retirment le printed and to allopies of that I THIR wible, and din hin, and from the political arena, 1 addreesd to
Iper, wherever. Laternent that it is not wille to tear
Gol, nt to man. the blows delt retly and in the dark I n a Str.
Thus ingenium interpolation may p. Cinkhale, and that T... will lave to undergo today or to mor
Ribly apply to the first It'ele which was tlar m a tson who lamantri written liefore Mr. Gukhalw's utterance the Irawa'm time prestito
at l'ous at a time when the writer had Tuchola lada, vix, the macrifice of his
Ist the same motives for hatred of Mr. lie. Finally, there neurt the following
Gokhale M appear sulmeyuently to have "It may perhaps be considered
inspired him, but it is difficult to treonicile O to win long life to officials, nay
it with rich expronions appearing in the
in the latter article, written under the t tyrannical officials under the 1 h Raj But we must with a full and
trom of very different ehtinti, as the Then list the one that is
will have to under ng bant for enly thit prayer to
tray or tomorrow the best. Take p ary away at one
the very expirtion" and throw him into "KUNTAL-KAUMUDI " is the ti Xumar fra minongnt 14 r at once
the jaws of Beist of prey." There is best hair-oil by virtue of its
little in them which sugest ur is even him into the jw of best af
wonderful brain-cooling, and tely compatible with the idea of a hair re-newing properties. 116 heff the respondents it is onvoluntary withdrawal as a wolf-inflicted
mild aroma is very pleasing to t i n tim tirat pl. but even grantedenance frm the political wone
all. Price only 12 ans. for that the article CAD AU mucitement to u t lowever concerned with the
7 ul. of or the otion of violence ulit.ubisin mental reservation which on Mi h ales, thu At in vol applicable the writer of the article may have had in
DIRECT FROM to cayen of incitement against a particular his mind at the time be capraed thein. nil ifie individual which can lou donlo
R.C.SEN & CO. What I am concerned with inte question
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