Maulvi Fakhruddin, the leading Mahoedan Vakil of the Patna Bar and JointSecretary to the Behar Provincial Muslina League, is a candidate for election to the Bengal Legislative Council by the special Malome dan electorates of the Behar group
regards the election of two members to the Bengal Legislative Council by the Mahomedan electorate of Bengal Proper, Khan Bahadur Moulvi Gholam Quasim, zmindar, Hon rary Magistrate, Chairman of the Municipality and of the local Beard Basithat, member of the District Boards of the 21-Perganas and Khalua, is a candate for one of the seats.
Mr S. K. Hain Bar-at-Law, Bhagaljeur and Moulvi Mohammed Ishifuk, B. L., author of The Mahomedan Law and vakil of the High Court, Calcutta stand as candidate for the Bengal Council form the especial Mahomedan electorate of Behar.
THE CASE OF MR. LAJPAT RAI. In the Commons, Dr. Rutherford asked the Under-Secretary for India whether he was aware that in the libel case of Laj pat Rai and the Daily Express the Seeretary of State for India had deported Mr. Lajjnt Rai was user 1 by Judge in the summing up to the jury, as a ground for matigating the damages for the charges of sedition made against the plaintiff and not justified by the defendants, and whe ther the Secretary of State will make some amends to Mr. Lajpat Rai for the injus tree done to him by deportation without charge or tal?
The Master of Elibank replied: "The Secretary of State finds no reason for tak ing any such action as is suggested in the
Mr. Mackatness: "Is it fair to Mr. Laj Jal Rai that he should not know why he was depeated
I have repeatedly informed the Hon. Member," said the Master of Elibank, "what the policy of the Government with gard to deportation is rightly wrongly it was decided not to inform I of the grounds of his deportation. THE GULAB BANOO CASE De Rutherford asked the Under Secre ar; whether he had any official know ledge that the Executivo Government of the Punjab had published an opinion to diy di agreeing with the judgments of Ju-tier Robertson and Mr. Justice Eattiga with regard to the conduct of the peer in the Chulab Banoo case 7 Master of Elibank replied in the athrinative, and added So far as the Notary of State is aware the observations of the Judges on the resolution have neither been asked for nor offered.
Dr. Rutherford: Is that fair to the Judges
The Master of Elibank: There is no reason to suppose that the Judges will be din atisfied with the course which has been taken by the Indian Govern
Recs: Did not the Executive Government agree with the Judge who had the witnessess before him and was able to sudge of the conduct of the wit
nesses under cross-examination
This Master of Elibank: Yes, the Chiuf Cout in their judgment did not find that the allegation of torture against the police
were proved, but that on the evidence No. 1, Nogal Kuria, Simla P. G.,
before them there was a case for enquiry. The Local Government accepted this view, and after holding an inquiry arrived at the same conclusion as to the facts as did the Sessions Judge and the AsseRANTY,
Mr. Byles: In the Hon. (ientleman aware that the Government have over ruled the decision of the Judges
The Master of Elibank: I am not able to answer that, but the Punjab Government conducted the inquiry into the whole circumstances, and the Hon. memher may rest assured that they acted in the best interests of justice and fair
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The Master of Elibank: No, Sir. Dr. Rutherford: Is not this action of
the Executive a dangerous innovation Aswa gandha Wine
destructive of the independence of the Law courts?
The Master of Elibank: No, Sir. It is quite the custom in India for the Exerutive Government to conduct an inquiry
when they think it best to do so
Mr. Mackarness: Will the Hon. gentleman answer the question I have put to him twice, namely, were the police wit nesses cross-examined
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