This gam ot be checked. They know, one of our ignorance,
There are two things very pro
The The British pablie must be supplied but nothing of her intelligence, only minent in the nntional chanter with informations regarding the of her cowardice, but nothing of her of these ponple, the first in their astual state of things in India. urago, only of her docility, but strong common sense, their regard They have, hitherto, been treatel to nothing of her dogged determina- for material and visible intereste: pleasent stories concerning their tion. Had they known the country
and second their infinite capacity achievements in that country.
for bullying. The English know These have fed their pride of race. havo, most assuredly, taken a very how to show fight, such : perhnpe, These have created in their mind different view of the present situa
no other people knows. But they 8 strong conviction of their physic- tion, a view that would curb the know also how quietly, and with al, intellectual, and moral superior- policy of repression and help the great show of dignity and gener ity over the people of that country. course of that peaceful evolution osity, to give in to a rival or opponThey are so easy to govern. They which we are so anxious to promote.
ent, when they find it necessary are 60 docile, 80 loyal, so easy to And in the interest of this peace
to do so, in order to protect their koop down. Even our own advo- ful progross, Ho much needed As
material interests or to keep up their cates here have never tried to much for our own good, as for the
position and prestige. If they are seriously disturb this self-com- protection of the enormous econo
once convinced that the poliey of placonce of the British people. mic interests of England in India, repression inagurated by the rulers They have condemned the evilo of it is necessary that we should have
of India will be bound to lead to thoir Indian adininistration, but a strong buronu hero, which will
serious difficulties and jeopardise
both their immense commercin! have never pointed on the dangers constantly hammer through the prene and industrial interests in that shereof. The have proclaimed the and the platform the real facts about country, and their position before extrome poverty of the peoplo, Indin, into the thoughts and atten
the world, they will not hesitate
to abandon it, and alopt a more their ignorance, their physical tion of the British public. Our
reasonable and concilintory Attitude decadence, their economic unstnbi- nppcal will thus lie, not to British towards our legitimate Aspirations lity,--and have appealed to the generosity, but to the enlightened and ett tol in our own country generosity of their rulers, for the self-interest of the British deino
what other people are in their
own. The way in which they have rotress of these evils. The British cracy. This democracy will not treated the Boers is a glaring illpeople thus know only of the weak
ustration of it. The Buers were ness of India, not of her strength. its constituted representatives
beaten. England was bound to beat simply in the interest of abstract
right or justice. I am yet conTHE CALCUTTA HOMEOPATHIC vinced of it that only if it can be PHARMACY.
made to realise the scrious risks of this policy, it will make itself felt
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