porceful settlemont of the complex however Battering there may be. struggle which whatever ita ul. issues that confront his country at It will not be moved to any practitimate fate; will; long before that this juncturo, refuse to take every cal efforts by our hollow protesta fnte is decided, practically ruin ponnible step, to influunce this con- tions of loyalty to the British every British enterprise in that trolling force in British politica ? Empire either. It will be effectively country, and inflict woh tremenThe success of our propaganda of moved only by considerations of its dous economic long on the nation peaceful pasive rowistance, depends own interesta. Far greater attention A8 Do political vietory will be aliost entirely, at the present mo- is paid to Indian affairs here now able to make good, they will at meni, upon our ability, to reduce, if than had ever before been the case. once rise up in arms against this we cannot remove, the rigors of offi- True it is that the papers are, al policy, and bring about an immecial repression. Increase or conti- most without a single exception, diate reversal of it. nuancu of this repression will kill practically supporting the present At present they do not realise people's faith in these moral forces reprossive policy. But it is because these dangers. The Government Mpon which our movement stands the majority of them believe that one day proclaims the urgency of It will inevitably drive the move.
stringent measures to meet the unment beyond the moral plane. And rest and the few that do not, are rest and tho next day, as soon as
physical struggle between the unwilling to take up any strong at they are passed, send out Atrongly Government and the people in titude against s policy that has worded assurances that the evil India will spell utter ruin and the sanction of Lord Morley, the has been well brought in hand. diaster to our cause. The ene- one man in the Liberal party Thin double game is significant. mies of this cause are only too whose moral influence over his They have to admit the seriousness of eager to rush it to a physical revolt party men is absolutely supreme the situation to justify repression. or revolution. It would be easier and almost unbounded. There are But this very thing which justifies then to crush it altogether. Even however, here and there, signs of repression, drives capital away, and
srction of our own people are play- A feeble awakening. A few pub- CAUSER nervous depression in capiing into their hands, by giving licists have contenced to realise talist centres, threatening the coltheru kome show of justification, to not only the futihty but even the lapse of many onterprises in India. cxhaust by exDensive repressions dangers of this repressive policy. Consequently to re-assure the capithe patience of the people. This is
It is our distinct duty to feed and talist class, they have, almost in the their game. We have to do all in. our power to spoil this game. The
strengthen this freble current. If same breath, to declare that the hand of repression must be stayed we can convince the British pub- country is quiet. The repressions • for this purpose, and it can only be
lic that the present policy of their And the reforms have, practically, done by influencing British public opinion. And British public opi
Indian Government is creating the succeeded in removing all cause of nion will not be influenced by ap- conditions of a prolonged and vio. Anxiety. Thus the game of bluff pale to its generosity or liberalism, lent revolutionary struggle in India, goes on from dny to day. stet i 2 01 THE MASTER AS I SAW HIM.)
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