KARMAYO DIN. the Brain of the nation to a great none mado a sand. He passed in can it be expected of a nation that An extent mite.character and out- front of all, looking at each as he has never had any large dome of Jook ba buen rovplutionised. A went, scanning every from in the
Went, scanning every froe in the emotionalism or idealism in the new heart was necessary for our gloom, as if he were seeking some composition of its life and character. civilisation, sod, though the renova- one he could not ind. In his search In the next place, it should be re. tion is not complete, the work that
he recognised one, tonched him cognised that is the British cannot has been done is that direction and made a sign, at which the other give us what we are striving for, as will ensure its own fulfilment. A instantly rose. The ascetic took our ultimate end and goal, neither new brain is also needed, and suffi him to a dirtancu and they stood can they adopt, in the twentieth ciency of knowledge for the new
and talked apart. The inan was century, with all the ferae light of brain to do its work with thorough- young; his handsome face wore a jenlous world-opinton constantly Des.
thick black moustache and beard; beating about their administrution,
his 'frame wns full of strength; his any tiercely barbarons neanures for ANANDAMATA.
wholo presence beautiful and at- putting down our legitimate and
tractive. Ho wore an ochre-col- ponceful activities. Every act of CHAPTER. VI.
oured robe and on all his lin.bs the serious repression will have to be It was far on in the night and
fairness and sweetness of sandal justified, some way or other, not only the moon rode high overhead. It
WAH smeared. The Bruhinncharin before civilisod world-opinion, but was not the full moon and its brilli
said to him, "Bhnvonanda, have oven before a large and increasing ance was not so keen. An nncertain
you any news of Mohendra Sin- section of the British public. Up light,confused with shadowy hints of gha?"
to a cortain point, British publie darkness, lay over an open cominon Bhavanand answered, Mohendra opinion iteelf will resint excessive of immense extent, the two extre- Singhn and his wife and child left official repression in India. We mities of which could not be seen
their house today; on the way, at have had instances of this even durin that pale lustre. This plain the inn"
ing the last two or three years. affected the mind like soinething
At this point the ascetic interrup- The release of Lala Lajpat Roi in i illimitable and desert, a very abode
ted him, "I know what happened clear illustration of it. The Indian of fuar. Through it there ran the at the inn. Who did it!"
Government, left to themselves. road between Murshidabad and
"Village runtics, I imagine. Just would hardly have let the Lala out Calcutta
now the pensant of all the villages 80 Hoon. It was the Parliamentary On the road-side was a small hill
have turned dacoits froin compulsion Agitation on the subject which really which bore upon it a goodly number
of hunger. And who is not a led to his relense. And the release of man go-trees. The trec-tops glim
dncoit nowadnyy? To day we of the present deportees, when it pered and trembled with a sibilant
also have looted and enten. coines about, will be largely due to rustle in the moonlight, and their
Two maunds of rice belonging to the increasing discontent in the rank shadows too, black upon the black
the Chief of Police were on its and file of the British Liberals with ness of the rocks, shook and quiver
way; we took and consecrated it to these "un-British" methods, as they ed. The ascetic climbed to the top devotee's dinner."
call thom, of Lord Morley, We were of the hill and there in rigid Nilence
The nucetic Inughed and said, indeed looking forward to their re. Jisten sd, but for what he listened, it I have rescued his wifo and child
lanke last July, and if the inurder of isn't easy to say ; for, in that great
from thu thieves. I have just left Sir Curzon Wyllie had not found the plain that seemed as vast as infinity,
them in the monustary. Now it is Government fresh show of uxelle there was not a sound except the
your charge to find out Mohendra by this time, some, if not all of the murmurous rustle of the trees. At
and deliver his wifo and daughter present duportees would have surely one spot there is a great jungle near
into his keeping. Jivananda's pre- been out of prison by now. Receat the foot of the hill, -the hill above
Hence here will be Mufficient for events in Bengal ulso, wemu the high road below, the jungle,
the success of today's business." strengthen this contention. It is between. I do not know what sound
Bhavananda undertook the mission the fear of rousing a protest here mot his or from the jungle, but and the scetic departed elsewhere.
and more particularly in the It was in that direction the ascetic
House of Commons, that is went. Entering into the denseness NATIONALIST WORK evidently deterred the Government of the growth he saw in the forest, IN ENGLAND. from following the advicu of the under the darkn089 of the branches (By Bepin Chandra Pal.)
Anglo Indian merchants and tradets at the foot of long rows of trees,
- :
for putting down the boycott demon unon sitting.--men tall of utature,
Two things must bo clearly under
strations in Bengal. They step black of hue, armed; their burnished stood in connection with our British
ped these in Bombay; because Bulu. Weapons glittered fierily in the work. In the first place, we do not
bay affairs have of late received but moonlight where it fell through bolieve that we shall attain
scant attention here. There are gaps in the woodland leafage. Two roal self-government either of
fact that cannot be gainsaid; and hundred such armed men were sitting the colonial or of any other
in view of these, it is scarcely reason there, not one uttering a single pattorn, as a free and kindly gift
able to set absolutely no value upo word. The ascetic went slowly into from the British people. Such an
British public opinion, as a control act of gencrosity would involve too thoir inidst and mado some signal,
ling force in Indian polities. grest Aracrifios lo te ruan mably er. And if it be a controlling but not a man rose, none spoke, 1. peeted of any nation. Leant of all can the Nationalist, striving for
“The Bengal soaps are the cheapest and best in the market.”