. ...
" them, after having once declared
in respouse to request Wargainst the two Beer Republics.
from all purta
of laulis and with adi dare of To ful to on would reduce her
Aga Khan the London Branch of the M on and prestigu in the world. THE YOTUKK CHIKT JUDON OT BAMODA.
Monlem Longue has submitted for conShe trained very nerve, therefore It is rumourned that Babu Barula Charan sideration of Lord Morley review of Mittra PA-Judge Calcutta High Court,
the situation with regard to Mahoirto conquer the winter. But after will be appointed Chief Judge of Baroda
dan'a oluctural claims. It declare that the WI WY Uver, she realised the
the whole Mabopiedad are gratided citicult of her prition n the RAKHT DAY AND THE DRURTKE -
the intimation thut cunoerning local wellconquere, and it once wolved the
In vi w of the approbing Rakhi cele
governing bodies Indian Government'. in A Ber problet way, that
amended p bration in to remind every Thengalee of
la do bot atfect Lord ha pwtc Jly made the conquered the JitportersThe Natal
Morley's pledges. They are poignantly
Emporom of 12-1 11 Reclare insuliny illus
imppointed when they redoet that the nue the real misters of the Nite tralen lakh cards with silk Rakbi
principle which Lord Morley beld to be tunin Suth Africa, and to day, the
wppropriate to the lower range of elec thread Transvaal and the Orange River
tural ladder Cunot be applied with wim
illa completeness to higher aud more itu - ( in t is they were
THK SWADESHI (ANK AT KI HORONXJ. portunt branches of popul.r reprenutar ver brethre, Anne, ill addition, able
hi Anaudade Y.
Anaudade Yation. The Longue points out, nopeute heute their own worm, in very Purnali. Delikar, already ulection Ar an existent right in Inutter to their conquerore! It is t orted the defence inoved the Addi. many Municipal areas in Northern
I l the bully in the Britishi character
Dinthet Magistrate der Mection
Indis. The aim of Musalmana ba
letasime lule on the Mavin Leen throughout to have the the that in the war, it i4 the of
Ernt e d or other party to show problem wited A
w bole. The the prical, in the une chuter,
hthe lition and why the CLSU t...
London Committee discussed Mr. Ali that hil w led to the practical Whou!! not for trato ferrol to the file of Imams' achem during the latter's visit lietti of all the right and wi
the Sullivannal or me other Magis to London, but it is unable to favour the
late. In the meantite all proxectings Mcheme which is coudenned by overantings of the conqueror, in favour hall be tapped.
whelming weight of Monlen opinion is of the entry in that country.
failing to secure taldequate represent Tuskin tut thew fundamental LAMENTAHL Suci
ation. Only 4 Menuto register AS y the Butishmation Mr. Sharar, idintimuisheit wentiat Aure the execution of the principle character, 1 hel that if we work u n der for mutur ricon or other, atlirmel in Lord Morley's despatch of
met n het conction O ver'go from 27th November, thnt Legislative Council #lowly, lily, coumously, and MONTH. Born and co'm Hottery Work AL
should reflet trading elements of pupulawith dhe intelligence and circuits R ung, and formed a syndicate with
tion. The committee suggests an alterpoction, on the che in India, the h ot wuh leblisted unes.
native scheme which mainly follows that kermin ut the moment with nllten Mittely work with builonarter
Aulnaittuil to the Viceroy by the Taluk. at limfnbry in the courirt of Man
Jars of Mabmubad, and why that even the write that my derminded
hem The irtilen turneul fint the
the allotinent of nine went on the Viceof us by it, tum clay toywork
new Wetery Wu Were Huprrior to regal laginlature to Mabemedana wi ing peacefully, lawmilly, but with the Mats Hurn in 'n and Hanntle co l dethless thie Intter finding that their articles do
leave the Hindum in determination--giving unto Chen
t comind an extensive male had to inajority.
reduce the por what is C ar's ind cumming for
of time article. Mr,
Whyte, Manager of Monty, Burn and the people what is theirs--ind this
lottery. Work I Mr. "INDIAN WORLD" AND THE (OUREN. pruv. the hopeless of the at h ari tu wind up the bunica and join tempt ta frighter bully us ont 2.441. Durant 24 partner. On
The September number of the Indiun Mr. Shariar refusing to do MI, MATA of our lawful rights in Anties, and
World come out with a rejoinder in Burn
torik Ive of the Mouzahd-funcy of Bengal attitude in the funtter on the other, kecap t ation
from July and litigation ouvel. Mr. in England for the lisseruituation of Shariat kuin
in the High Cart
of Sir l'herberlian Mutub's election is the truth about Indi, indir Tout
to the Privy (nacil the the President of the next Congress. It decision of the ligh
the British tantly pointing on to
t 4 pet. dolar a thurt the charge levelleil against
On hearing that Mr.14 Public how a m able lennent
Burn rnd Co. h ome to take p ion of hundrar
the Bengalee leaders of being petulant may barriet laten thu tio Potty Winkle
Pottery W k he shot himself to death dictatorial and provincini in not only Countries, roterling their reason and thus PLC AWNY A man who hart able cnim in intensis, with those turtec new induly and we loved by
groundren but willy. It further states all the induential colliey manager.
that of Bengal meerde from the next of the people then, I confident we shall lable. grundly, to steer
Congruit ball de frum no spirit of chear of the risk of violent. pr.
personal li like of Sir Pharozoolab Mehta Ingallrinoll llationary ! WINTER GOOS
but from the point of view of the highest struggle in or country
patrotinus Shawls (Arrent row. ) l. 10-12 earl Iwab 7 to 10R WRAPERS Ei +12. Finnels, rg Kn
terte if all prices in der * M12 ** ****** xfsz .
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