drawn the deduction that their turo Sir Harry Johnstone in Kollah In the mame number of the Nineteenth must be at hand; that if native man, not profousing Badiol principles. Century and After in which Sir Bamp. of India, of no matter what religion or Wo give bin viows the are. As an fyldo Fuller has shown cause why the are paid taxes and obeyed the law, he additional cause of unrest. be add to deinands of the educatel Indians should whould have a me voto, N O power of "this felt want of franchine the not be listened to Sir Harry Johnstone control over the Government that taxed "ofben tactlean and even tyrannical twee has given reis why they should be hin. Sir Harry Jonatoue, by the way, bavior of a small proportion of British in lintetied to. Ono seldom oO ATORN forget the important fact that it was not India": mich refreshing frankness in the general in the hands of "hold down" Imperialinta I write these words advisolly and after run of contributions on Indinn affairs to to hold back the march of Time or the home personal experience of India thu British periodical literatur, moria. CourNo of civilisation, and that the leaven ir better that we should face facts. The lly from toen of distinctly conservative
conservative that is working in other parts of Asia Indian Civil Service conrinta for the instincts liko hir Harry Johustu hay not had its origin solely in the Indian most part of tho bont type of Englishnian, The Rotable communication unler netice Universiting The great question is not Trishman, or Bootchman which could hi thu tnoro romarkalıle for this fact of the responsibility of this or that people he sent out to India to govern and alThat Sir Harry Johnwme in not a mun for the evolution of India towards ministr...But some of the leader officials, of Ravlical principle will be evident nerescary condition of things demanded perhape of the unconvenanted servicefrom the fact that he cannot suficient- hy the entire of Time and civilisation, inagistrater, justices of the peace, ly condemn the loweries of the but of the unavoidable necessity for those
Holdierw employed in civilian ponts l'rutentant (hurches who wed the who are at the head of affairs to advance
---do not always attain the high standart "tagon's teeth of education" anong with the time. And Sir llarry John of excellence. It is known to me as a fact the native of Indian Afrina But tone, we are glad to 100, is very explicit
that of late years there have bron a eufhe d i not held that the originnl vin on this point.
cient number of harsh and even svago Wotll be ripiat. hy cumanitting tho
The writer has given a five example of judgments-excerive terms of imprisonfurther in liste of trying to sup. the proverbial British love for justice mont, for example, for relatively small press the irresistible crop of yellow, and fairly in taking a strikingly im- crime---imprued ly hot-tempered urban Ltown and back t aking a co
partial view of things in India in spite magintmtes, to have caused an extremely nequenre of
well educated a
of his predominant Conservative instincts bitter feeling to reverberate through the hverage Cap an," for the mo
which it has at times vainly tried to Rengal, the North-West Province, and right to have it wird in the government
surprenalin views regarding the gine- the Bombay Providency. I know person of their own count 14 and the disposal
Lis of the present nituation in India are ally reveral English men in India who of the money in by their own
particularly noteworthy, aud will loan yield to no one in their loyalty to the Em taration.The "holling down" piliey
eyu-poner to the reader of the Vines pire or their untunin for that Eropire, it it was to be apostol at all the
Iruth Cintury and four where bowpit but who have felt compelled to draw pub watch word of the British Empire, shonlel
bile pages have latuly been cially dev.. lic nitention, through the l' or by Inve been nalul to the mast in 1792
ted to the misrepresentation of India and personal intervention, to the injustice of before the first d ating Missionaries its affairs. For example:
certain sentences, and have even succeal wont out u British India. It is now
ed in getting one or twocł them reriner tro late to
The natives have ne direct voice in the talk of checking the title
or reverwel. Of course, in consequence, that he wet in and in lifting the wholo government of their own country, no way
they. tho real'
lieto-wore continent, as it were, out of itself. "The 24 to the Atuount of taxation which wha!!
attacked by the Jingo :/ th Indiaafect couro for T rial Euglwl is bo inach or the manner in which the
the 'real' little Englets tnw to fun the fact
their "The only sule taxes shall be spent. Neither it might
lives were made intolerabili preven tion of the prulle is to "faer, digesto ruid ) do the European burn or wit
their business at low and damagel aud gradually provide for almit tled in the countries have anything of
Lorause they lead at eupted to stand up the end of the buk, men and the kind : but then they are very few in
against u of justice in the waruo way yellow peplex under our way for it number and no important Ruropean inter
in which n itrates are pillorie in she voire in their w' di
of The !.. est is unrepresented on the council
column of "Truth." Yet I make bold ir cast, there is now no withi. ug frun the Vicuroy and of thu giat Imus
to why that we of this description have them , vea itxulta do tot, Government, while the English Prens
done more to mitigate who present feel exactly vuit your with in practically unfetteral, provided it ex
ing of onrust iu lude than thoir follow It is not the fault of the natives that prove its opinions in the English
countrynion of the cast of thought natiaffairs in Indit have taken an inconvent Language. It can deliver itelf of the
rised by Bernard Shaw in a recont proient turn, ways Sir Harry J. bustine. It hapet criticism of Government and
hibited play. i. Enzlichamen te wives who live in at- of pronalities which jt stop whort of
The solution of the problem, accord ed the "R "las, who have rullol into libel (if it chooses) without incurring
ing w the writer, luce, not in a futile being und Very like their own; per penalties. I do not ay that the titiro
bellowing over what should have been sonalities w ll studied the lessone Press is not free to decant on projectod
but in lowing the present and thu future vi Butopan busty, having followed the laws and on the actions of officials, but it
in the fure, and in the recognition of prorem hy which the (e dic of the UN womplish this task a gandedly
the fact that there must bo "give' Latel K. , the Jew the laboring that its condition is no freer than the
and also in any earst atteinpt to ela-9e (Cu ) lave Lumio emanes reas of Russia as applied to the name
aivanre with the tinies, and gradually pated indir.net, lu.ve very naturally purposes
w pave the way, fronu procedent to LARGEST IN INDIA
procedent, tawards a more perfectly Awanlod Modul at the Indian Industrial Exhibition of 1906-07
guvernul Empire."... The Panjabee.
ownmake FOOTBALLS. • Extract from Mr. J. C. Crimming, LC'S. Special Report on In Instrial Survey of Ban Ad
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