Mo. 1 Hogal Keria, Simla P. O.,
or control. After the Times came the
Hon. Mr. Raker. During the discumion Of late English statomon
omen both
in in
on the Bill for the Prevention of Seditious India and in England have been be-
Meetings in the Council of the (lovernor
M traying symptoms of inpatience which
General of Instita Dr. Rash Behari Ghome is not consietent with sound stateamen.
called it a "Bill for the Prevention of ship. They have succumbed to the angry Sedition Meetings and the Promotion of passions of the hour-deluded, on the ODO
Secret Sadition." The Indian members hand, by the utterances of the bureaucracy
of the Council were of opinion that the alarmed at the prospect of change and,
measures would drive discontent underCALCUTTA. on the other, by the clamour of a
ground and thereby enhance the chance section of their countrymen whose ves
of volcanic eruptions in the future. The tod interests the changed ciruumstances
then Finance Member referred to these in India tend to injure. And they are
apprehension, and openly maid, "I am viowing the trend of events through a
nat in the least afraid of driving nedition somewhat distorting haze.
underground." This was certainly Inla The question of the conversion of the portion and not exactly at nanlike. trong. olid, practical, invincible But what one coulil oxeune in the Mon. Britisher into an amotinal, lystericnl, Mr. Baker, the Financa Member one excitable and panic-stricken race neod cannut neglect in Sir Edward Baker, the not trouble uu. What we are concer- Lieutenant-Governor of the hot ailnod with is the attitude of the English- vanced province. Yet in spite of the fact
man towards prenent-day Initin truggl- that the London Police-an ahler und Wollknown invigorating tonic of ing to ameliorate her condition.
more scrupulous bely than the Police budy and mind. It had been recog. It was, we believe, the Tims which in India - decline to norept the sportion uised as the best tonic alterntive --after dracribiug in detail imaginary
made by stray individuals that the recent
murlers in London were a part of a huge in Nervous dubility Exhaurion, LORS methods of prealing sedition in India
first Lrandirhed the sword, and wran- conspiracy to murler Englishnen with of Memmory. Brinfag Dimness of
cord the effeto and foolish opinion that out discrimination between the innocent sight, Confusion of Ideas, lony of
England had conquered India by the and the guilty, Sir Elwant him threatenvigour, Nervous hondache, palpita- yword and would kee it by the awarded to punish Bengal for the action of tion of heart, Mental prostration, The Times when it muude this ridiculous Molan Lal Dingra. Ele ha threatened General sleeplesenehs etc.-- 0% Anacrtion was evidently ignorant of the to bring a solution which will be he phial Re. 1 Dozen Rs. 11. Pound real hintary of the conquest of India peaceful" nor "prinless," "and their and oblivious of the truth that you can
will be little room at that time for & nien Rs. 3-8 not conquer the heart of people ly
discrimination between the innocent and fire and steel, and --as an Englishman
the guilty." Nuch a method is nothing said more than half a century back,
if not in direct contravention in the tin "fleshly Arms, and the instruments of
principles and best traditions of British war, are but a fragilo tenure, and 'woon
justice which gleich in taking ! to nothing brought,' 'when oppool to
care to see thith the innocent do not huller the interonta and the will of an en.
for the guilty. Moreover what does this A pont remedy for habitual canto lightened people." The English in In
threat wignify? As for the m ic tipation cough gout rheumatism dis are not numerically stronger than
patient and liw-abiding-they do not worins ,biliousness and piles. The the people of the country, and their
descrive il. Ay for tray fanatie hohen
Dhingra who kill innocent English best nervine tonic administered in position in India niunt depend not on their
And one langed they are all of liv convalascent state. 4 oz. phial Re. 1. military strength, but ou tho willingness of the people themuelves to maintain
punishment Dozen Ra. 11. Rs. 3-8 Per pound.
thom in that position of lofty ominence. Then there are the .. th This has been admitted by all consible which somo lodiana--re ed more on Engliwhmen who have wludied the coun- their religiouuners and sirupulous hodie
try and its problems. "The hugo than for their political W e ber An idcal combination of Iodised
mental, India's Mynbol, is a docilo condemneil unheard. They have en Sersaarilla with gold. The best
beant, and may be ridden by a child. denied the right of an open trial. And remedy for all sorts of venerial poison
Ho in consible, temperate, and cowily though we have been told that the and mercurial taint in the blood. 4 attached. But "When he is angered in denen against them was rurfully 02. phial Rs. 1-12. Dozon Rs. 20. Harncat, hiu vaxt bulk alone makom hindered by reponsible officer, that si
clangorous, and put it beyond the Pound Rs. 6-8.
denre must bave been in the first strength of the Mtrongest to guido him'instance-wered by the Police Moram
Sri. TILAK'S CERTIFICATE. Do you all remember the Vow oa the 7th day of August ?
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