vonar, it ww decided to mil f oreworks agoSoveral bundle of cor. from today and to pay off the workmen spondence and other papers wors on the 10th iontant
Boised, but the contents of these are not Tas FARIDPUR CAN
* precont known Shanti Mukarjee who was arrested on TAIVANDRON POLICR CARE--- b h n on charge of attempt. One of the several CLAN which in A SKAMIT AND MEETING ing to commit deoity by the District offshoots of the root riot, wu torturo The Governinent of Bombay has inued Magistrate of Faridpur Anil was later by unlawtal detention in custody of wey
the following notice:--The Government on charged under Boction 100, C. P. C. eral peopla by policemen of whom soverol
regret if any personal inconvenience lowed to be let out on two bails were tried, the ronult being five were con
has been caused by the cancellation of of Rs. 2, MO and Rs. 6,000 rospectively victed and mentered to various terms of
of the Sheriff's notics, convening pubfor the two counts. The offer has been rigoco imprisonment from two months'
lie meeting, in regard to the question declined. to six months' with fine. There are chees
of the position of Indians in the Tran of torture and other offences by police
SVAAL They have, of course, no objecDINAJPOX COSTERRNCRmen slao pending in which judgmenta
tion to the holding of meeting for will be pronoubord shortly. The third anniversary of the Dinajpur
this purpose. Their views and those of
the Government of India and of the Association and District Conference was ALDARD RELEASED ON RAIL
Secretary of state are knows; but on, held yesterday. Eleven resolutions were
Aldred the printer of "Indian Sociol.
the other hand, they consider that the parad. A new resolution on the desire
movement ogist" has obtained two suretion and has
Sheriff as hility of setting on font
Government officer should with a view to get decisivo legislation been released on bail
summon and presiile over no mortinga of
except nucl as are making the law of transferability
non-controversial, "Joth
non-political, and intended only to give right and occupancy holding KABUL YAW.
general expression to a univorul public free from custom and local tango and DR. OHANI'S SUOCRABOR.--
feeling. In the present can those proposing an Amendment of the law of It is reported that Sardar Inayatullah
conditions are not fulled. gioctment by landlords from homested Khan, with a valry and infantry escort, lands was pared will make prolonged tour in Gardez
* SWARAJ" PROSCRIBED. Khout and Kandahar. Sardar Nasrullah A RAJA's LOYALTY. Khan is now busy attending to military
In the Gazette (Commerce and InHi. Highoose the Maharao Raja of matter and the general training of the
dustry Department appears the follow Bundi han inued notification calling Afghan Army.
ing notification. upon his people to abstain from joining The Amir has isund orders in all vil
Bringing by sea or land into Britik any seditious movement and expressing
India the magazine Swaraj or the Indian lages in the Jollalahad district to the
Nationalist is prohibited. his contempt and hatred for such pro offeet that five rifles with free amceedings and destring that all state munition will be given to each Malik or servants and subjecta should closely
GANESH MODAY'S CAREheadman in each Village, which are to be
The Chief Magistrate, gave his decision Watch auch dialoyal and wicked personaatilined in giving assistance to officials in
in the case in which Ganesh Modak of and arrest those who may be found to reproming disorder and killing or captur.
the Vartman Agency atood charged have come to the State, to manufac- ing offenders.
with dimeminating sedition. In that he ture bombe and deal in explosive The Mullah Powindab and other lead. articles with a view to destroy life and
distributed or sold copies of the July ing Mullahs of Waziristan are said to bo
number of the "Swaraj." edited property and those who will be able to
by proceeding to Kabul.
Bepin Chandra Psl in London. It is arrest auch persons will be duly reward The Lashkar of the Ali Khel Mamo
alleged to be containing seditious matter. ed by His Highnen -- zai and Munzi tribesmen are now repor
His Worship in the course of judgmunt ted to be collecting in Tirab. ROMBAT MILL CR188.
said that there was no doubt that the The Bombay mill industry is passing
article in questiou was calculated to through a crisis owing to the abnormal CALCUTTA HOVADA RAIDED.
excite dinaffection. The evidence alo prices of cotton.
Five young Bengulin, it in alleged, of showed that the Acoused was not an Eight thouand employees of the mille doubtful antecedents were arrested, on ordinary agent but the sole agent of the mkoaged by Greaves cotton struck work warrants on Thursday by the Calcutta
journal in India. It is also to be in to-day in consequence of the Agent's Police. As an early hour on Thursday
ferred from the evidence that the acus. decision to close the millo three days in morning three simultaneous raids were
ed koow the contents of the journal, the week during September and close made; one conducted by Inspector Mul
His Worship convicted the accused and them entirely in October. The operatives I shy at 18. Jorahapan Street. another sentenced him to one month's simule to-day refused to go to work. They I by Inadactor Jennings at 108. Abiritol. imprisonment contended that closing the mills three lsh Street, and the third by Inspector days in the week would give them but Ram Gopal Chuckerbutty ab 09 Bechu BOMBAY MILL MAND
tarvation wage, that at the utmost Chatterjee's Stroet. A strict scareb ww Since the cloning of the mills in the the mills night be closed two days in mado at each hour and M result, city, large number of mill operathe week or that they might be entirely Are Bengali, the names of whom, the tives have been left adrift. There has closed from today, and they might be polico refuse to disclone, were arrested
Loon panic aupong boarding house keep. paid off. Terwgh the intervention of and lodged in jail on charges in con
er, grain toerchants and landlords, who Mr. Edwarels acting Police Conimis- Deetion with the Faridpur dacoity of
have in some car crased to give credit to unemployed mill handa. Owing to the
cloning, wince last Sunday, of the mills C. RINGER & Co. owned by the late Dwarkadas DharNINY
matters have grown still worse. 4 DALHOUSIE SQUARE EAST, CALCUTTA. ESTALBISHED 1887.
Prompt work & excellent rates
B. MUKERJEE & CO., If you want reliable and genuino Homoeopathic modicines, take care
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18, Curvet , CALCUTTA.