"be mill supplies largely tn Government, oj million pounds of yarn produced in the principally from Manebester, Labrushire nd from the abwance of advertising, one whole of India in the month of June last and glasgow. In the Associatwon' ineinoonclude that it experiences no dichoulty your Bombay shared about 40 and sherial word.
produced about 14 millions of piece-goods "Owing to unforeseen cause over which a the dirpraal of it produce.
The materials tot in use at the Luck during the naine ronth. Since then the the mondialista bave po control, the auto now nulls are (1) rage () old paper, manutaturs of grey and colourod piece of foreign place-goods markets has been (3) bab or Bhabar gruw from Nepal good h w n considerylle inere Dont duplumble and distrous for the last through Bahraich and (onda (1) old with huet. Wo bear that the David two years which bave proved onception hein cerclage collected in Southern Oudh Ann Mill have attachell Caliconlly bind for refuorislista w much that
in division. Vory little wood Printing lunch to their Mills, and good, the aggregate low during the current putri word as its cit (more than £15 though now inferior to imported articles, your sota Ded by the member will be
beton at the inil) it very houvy itom. nell bigh enough. A Swadeshi Calico- excovely enormous The contin Bonn railway freight from port to mill in a Printing Company in alno Raid to have fall in the price of foreign piece-goods
tabla portion of 4114 cout. The boon fluated by Mr. Joshi, who is has bailed all attempts of piece-goods at are beginning to experienen difficul practical malico-printer, though the work norbants to make both ends meet, and
in obitnining an adequate mupply of is not yet begun owing to want of Huft. there is such a considerable, unprecedent. al a ga (new hom is too still And too cient capital and proper encouragement. ad collection of stock lying uncleared that
naive for the manufacture of paper) | Bewiden, new wpinning and weaving almost all the ware-hounow in Princes and winnin securing the dewirod propos. companie such the Sindh Spinning and Victoria Docks in the City of Bombay are of white and coloured rage
Weaving Mills Limited and the RAL full to the brim, not to speak of thome Modern Methods: The Latest krishna Wenving Mills are going to be or lying in individual and private godowns. Standard Works
have been started in the Providency of Comparatively there is very scanty de
Bombay. VII
mand for the same. Under these circums. It is also significant that the Borubay goods have got & cady consump
tances, they ask for retision of incomeoft S morrespondente want to
tion at home, as will be seen from the last tax at least for the current and the next the act of books written by the "Lucky Day"wales of Bombay pieco-gools.
year." lern witthors on the subject of
More Luxmide Maratji, Role Agents of tufactur. Wo havo nado in
This striking success for the textile MCAT Manickji Patit, Dinabaw Manoekji 1' and the following information
Swadeshi naturally leads one to enquire l'atit, Ramanji Putit, Edward Mills, Centuning the subject has Loen thankfully
whether in the aluence of any state-juroby us fru I. I, Burkill Exq..
ry Mille and the textile Mills, mold 21,000 balew on the "Lucky Day," and nearly
tecion by means of tariff, such Huocens printiny Rysorter on Economic
would have been eight to ten thouhand balos of goods
porsible if voluntary ta the torerament of India. The
protection by the people in the shape manufactured by other muille were tuvan kualithoritatively raentioned
of industrial boycott also sold.
did not in part liit Happlied to u are a follow : Again, while the home-male piece-goods
at least act upon the situation. There Tradley C.-Chapters on Paper Making trade of Bombay is gaining ground day
are many, of courue Loth among Inl. 11, oh 3 Hoot, London: Crowly
dians and Anglo Indians, who will deny wolona. by day, hur foreign piece-goods trade in
the fact and further arguo against any losioz its bolil thore, all will be evident l'apparta, (..--A Practical Manual
sort of voluntary industrial boycott adoptfrom the following facts. It ha Hapet Making and Owners and Mana... of l'aper Mills fact
ed by the people purely from motivos with Illustrations, that 400 abopy dealing in foro.
of self-protection and onll the wme ign pior-goud: trado at Bombay booked . He Landon Crosby Lockwond and
economia inly 3.500 packages on the auspicious day
fallacy. But wbother
this is sol and whether Watt,
protection Paper- Making
of Divali; while they ought to have practical
of any kind (either by the people andwok of the muntfacture of paper
booked at least 35,000 in the ordinary or by the Government of a country) in
como of event with gol rains during mily, Gapart, traw and other timu
necessary for its weak, nagnat industries .. . Illustratedl, ir. Bu lond
the Lion in the country. Wo furthor wball have to be judged in the light of aby Lakwood Song
Inarn that the Port Trust Warehouses are responsible opinions of both English dall, RW. l'aper Tablov, in
choked with and new gudowny and Continental Economista. In a previ. ruentury anal on the manufuture,
whould have to be constructed for fresh ous insun of this magazino we quoted physical qualities and Chemical constitu. gudd imported there. It now weenu that
the opinion of a great German economist
million storling worth of goods is in **** of paper and of paper making abro
Mr List, whowo National System I rto, 124, 01. god, London : Chas
took and I saillion atorling is lont in Monomic has revolutionined the ideas inlithos, Ld.
depreciation. Wo further learn from a of the world on the matter. We have Donny telegramdated the Athlecember, also youtud other opinions of respon
1904, and publialood in the daily papers wible thinken on the subject in previous STRIKING SUCCESS OF THE
that "the E bay Native l'ice-good LUCw; but the latest wupport comes GROWTH OF SWADESHI Merchants' Annocention likvu sent a puti- frutuan English uconomist still living IN THE WESTERN
tion to the Viver". They are body Mr. Marwball, Professor of Ecom PRESIDENCY
forized for purposes (auwnyt others) of in the University of Cambridge, who is pruterting, prerving ruutual ronimon recognised authority and whore Print
interests of native piece odsciples of Economics is a standard book T haboon toady increase on the uwerchant of Houlay. wha chietly deal adopted by both English and Indias witput of Houliny yarns and piece RAL in iudonting pipe-gond from differ- Universition. In his "Memorandum on I was the inat low months. Of about eat parts of Europe and America, and the Fincal Policy of International Trade LARGEST IN INDIA
just published as Parliamentary Paper,
Professor Marshall, while discussing the Awarlod Modal at the Indian Industrial Exhibition of 1006-07
rocant remarkable industrial progresa MACHINE-MADE
of Germany, makes the following STOVE PAINTED
noteworthy pronouncemaat:ITEEL TRONTO! CASH BOXES, LOCKS, &c.
ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS. Extract from Mr. J, G. Cumming, I. C. '8.
Socare Special Report on Indutrial Surroy of Ren Ad Prompt work & excellent rates (Hide Calcutta Gaste, August 28th, 1908).
B. MUKER JEL & Co., roky BAZAR ROAD, CALCUTTA, turns out good
Diplomaed Accountate & Auditore arti: V
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