No. 1, flogal Karia, Strela P. a,
Aswa nidh:Wine
INDIAN CHEMICAL "MODERATION AND MALL The talk and thought of independence
NESS" IN INDIAN tay, la Mr. (tokhalo's opinion, bo nad AND
new But eroa he and his party sro PHARMACEUTICAL
not free from the taint of this lunary. To the Editot of the Manchester Guardian. Mt. Gokhale ha subscribed #poli. WORKS.
Bir.--I have read with great interest tical creed which proclaims colonial welf the summary nf Mr. Glokale'n speech at government is it goal. But what pr. Poona communitatert ly your Calcutta tical difference is there betworn onlonial horrenpondont and publisher in tho self government and almolutn indepeo
" Manebenter Guardian" of July 2Adence? The school with which I am CALCUTTA.
There are two important in the rived in connected han refused to subscribe to that speech which concern the whol of this creed, not beca colonial self Indian thonght which I have the honour government in not substantially the mu to be senciated.
national autonomy, but because it in The first point i Mr. Gokbalo's conan nuolutely falne ideal, no ar min demnation not only of all talk but eron dia is concerned. The colonial relation of all thought of independence tn mad. in ewentially racial relation. Thin'in A ners. This is a matter of opinion, and it fundamental fact. There is no racial would not have led for any comment if kin bip between England and India. In Mr. Gokhale bed out brought it into the Boer colonies thero hos Leen some *support the preannt reprennive policy of molidation of this racial relation. The
the Indian Government. In this name Boers are racially different from the
pompinech he said is reported by the lodian British. But they are still wbito rare, Wellknown invigorating tonic of correspondent of the Daily Telegraph, of European stock. Thero in no colour
that the desire for freedorn could only be line between the British and the Boer bwdy and mind. It had beep recog. mot by Government by worn And
in south Africa or the French and nised as the best tonic alterative relentlers reprennion." But, in the in the British in Canada. There in that in in Xervous debility Exhausion, LORS terests of all concerned, it in necessary parable colour lino between the British of Meintory. Brainfag Dimness of that the nature of thin madno wbook and the Indian Tt in for thin reasin sight, Confusion of Idcas, loms of be clearly understood. Mr. Gokhalo that the colonial ideal in a falue ideal
calls it madnou Lord Morley, with vigour, Nervous headache, palpita
in India. We repudiate it for ita un greater courtany, calls it fanatic. But truth, otherwise it is substantially the tion of heart, Mental prostration,
neither abune nor represion will kill the wame a national Independence. Those General sleeplessness etc.4 oz.
spirit of troodon in India any more than who, like Mr. Gokhale, have proeliin. phial Re. 1 Duzen Rs. 11. Pound the bullet and the prison bar bavo boon
ut it in their ultimate idesl in India Rs. 3-8 able to kill it in other parts of the world.
have either no conception of what the This thought of independence is the colonial ideal means and how it has de natural result of the history of India for voloped or they do no simply na ATM the last two hundred years. It is the to allny the suspicions of their manter fruit of Englimh education in the classe Yet it is there very gontlemen who It is the fruit of British laws and nethode Aceuse others of cherishing A vague filen
of alministration among tho tuanner. The or weeking to have thuir skins by parkA potent remedy for habitual con
levelling down procon of the Britishing of that which they do not beleive tition cough gout rheumatinin
Government was bound to awaken a new to be true. vorte,biliousness and piles. The Spirit of soll manertion and indepeudence in the thonght of independence may bir Lest nervine tonic adra inistered in the country. This spirit of independence madden but the cry of Hell-government convaliderent state. 4 oz. phial Re. 1. first took whape in a religioun revolt-in within the Empire on colonial liner IM
that largo movemeut of the protest against Dozen Ra. 11. Es. 8-8 Per pound.
worse. It dinhonent. Colonial helf Macerdotal authority which gave birth to govern tuent meana (1) the right of the Brabmo Samaj in Bengal, the wolf-Laxation, (2) the right of molf-login Prarthana Samaj in Bombay, and the Arya Intion, (3) the right of self-admini
Samaj in the Panjab. It expressed tration. The colonior baro a bigla tariff An ideal combination of Lodised.
itmell also in the movement of social revolt wall againnt all outsiders, including Seriparilla with gold. The best
which is in such favour with Mr. Gokhale the mother country. Would not the renody for all sorts of voqerial poison himself. You cannot proclaim the gospel
right of malf-taxation in India mean and mercurial taiat in the blood. 41 of freedom in ono department of man's heavy protectivo duties again foreigo 07. phiul Be 1-12. Dozen Bs. 20. Mfo and thought and connael bondage in manufactures, including the British? Pound Rs. 6-8
another. This freedom o even under- Would it not mean the practical och lain the later movements of social mod lnion of the Britinhorn fron, the Indian Civil religioun rouction in India. The earlier ServiceWould it not mean the removal social and religious revolta had been too of every form of special privileged much influenced and controlled by foreign joyed in India, under the existing lawn idens and ideal. This reaction only by the British residents in that country. represented the protest of the Indian Would it not mean wure and swift re. raon consciousnout against the domination taliation on the British colouion whore of European thought and cultura. The people have now free scene to our terni desire for political freedom is only part
tories but who refuse us free admit It is waed sucessfully in Acidity of this general awakening of the Indian tape into their dominionat Nor would Indigestion and diarrhoea. Very con- conscious. It in the cumulative the situation be avod by any rehet venient for Mofusell inhabitante. roolt of the history of the lat two bon- of preferential relationship, which would Boe phial As & Dosen Re. 8-4. dred years. It is not s sporadio outburst mean reciprocity that would enakim Complete antalouge sent free on
but . phase in copolitent coure of the people of India to have to run of
social evolution. Will the spirit of free the whole Empire. Such preferential application
dom that has evolved out of such a long relationship would practically make the
course of experience and thought be kill- Eropire our own for all conseri A.N. BASU, ed by either loys
relentlom industrial purpobem. How Great Intan, Managerrepresioa 1
and ber colonies erpresa!y, pre lily
Essenceofdraksha fruit of Eaglina education in the clave