the report for 1907. The number of
permanent labourers rose in all parts of du Conference:-. The Hindu and the the province, except Kamrup. Although
Punjab land Alienation and Pre-emp- temporary labourers indicato THE SEWSPAPÉS " TICE"tion Acts
dueline 2. The l'indus and Govern for most tes districts, the total for the In the Hound of common Mr. Borne
anent Service with perin! teference to province whows an increase. whed why the 'newapapa Justice the Police Department 3. The Hinpublished in England was forhidien dus and the Reform Schemie. 4. The
CATTLE IN DUENA. tutry into India. The Master of Elilank
dewirability of strengthening the feel. The vear endine June 1900 is report Julied: "The Govermunent of India ing of the Hindu nationality and the
og of the Hindu nationality and the ud to have been the frut in which an huise informed Lord Morley that they Hindu unity. 3. The encouraginout
effective con un of the agricultural work reward the articles published the of the mudy of Snakrit, Hindi and
of Burnia Waw made by the Land Re Justico" ha inflamatory, and the Punjabee. The encouragment of
cords Department. The year in waid to chiavous Lord Morely entirely concurs." Kathna of the line
and lit
have been very good one for cattle The Pioneer comments on it as follows. matue in towns and villaces. The
owners the only serious outbreaks of The Manter of Elibank he informod celebration of National frilu. R cattle disease having been confined to Mr. Will Thorno why the circula The desirability of writing the true three or four districts. In the Delta tion of the newspaper Tarn is prohibit history of the Ilindu. 4. The creare in district bullocks are reported to be replain India. The wie Secretary m erical wtrength of the lindur, ita cing button for
cing bunlock for
Agricultural purmight have replied in the words of the cause and remedies. 10. The physical
poses. Quaker, "Friend, first the talent a lie: degeneration of the lindu. 11. l'ro. and then theo Akert a question. 1 tection of the Hindu widow and orph. The Been Los...
ping of Justice undoubtedly maled ans 19. Better treatment of low on te It is understand that I chetne ha Indin lay the last mail and were duly cir Hindu. 13 The uinfiention of mul-ons- been kinetioned for the improvement vulated, though they here the name of tem. 14. Encouragement of Ayurvedic
of the indigenoux bier of that intet the paper on the wrapper in faning red System of medicine. 15. Encourament
esting and valuable, though lutely hey letters an inel long."
of Tochnical Eduation and manual nrth lected animal, the Buimen . The
among the Hindur 18. The constitu- Provincial Veterinary Department will ( DITION OF INDIA IN TRANSVAAL. tion of the Conference.
new carefully control pratimustel Mr. lart-Davies prevented a petition
thu cheile provides for the formation from 1,500 Indians in the Madras l'rchiINDUSTRIAL NOTES.
A nucleus of a small sleet mul Jancy praying that the luuse of Com
-----000- -
Shen Nailions for breeding purpes. tunne would consider the condition of the
AMOLITION Y DUT IN BREDA STATR.- Spein! Deputy Superintendent being Indians in the Transvaal and that the
With the object of further promoting Appointed to the Veterinary Dextent A nintie Criminal Amendmeut Act whould
w directly supervist perations. trade and innufactures within his teri: Le repealed.
torin, His Highnu (arkur hau isuel THE INDIAN SOC10W187.---
an order that all frontier duties en im PAPER-MAKING IN INDIA FROM M. Aldred, I'rinter of the Indian porte le now abolished. The net tenue
THE EARLIEST TIMES Blugin" was charged at Bow Street arrendere ly this measure it stimated
DOWNWARDS. with pruting and publishing & CD- ntar for lakh of rupees. This mer aluus libel concerning the King's Cr. shall not apply to ra-side talk of Coutine from the list innre.) * luent in India. Mr. Bodkin, KC Kadinary and Okhamandal or touch
VT. i prosecuting Naid: "The proOcutinn duties are impl in Ponta, and would disclono very muring matterAttcli dintricts and mainly derived with reference to the dissemination of irro Barula viton.
Wount bene give a detailed neu 11 Thugh
for molitious printing in Creat Britain and
of all the mill, but the following pleased to abolish nl print dutin which
ener to the Lucknow mile wharhi are estimated to bring revenue of alut
. cluewhere. The defendant was clearly
under Induh marament, then peren of anarchist Viowalio wa Inkh Nurl hall.
1. A. . C latte jet , wit: lilitutilir known tu Angelate with Anary hint in TIA (LTCRE IN E. DAMIT
I've, would be of interest to render Landon and haud loen in communication
From an official report just blished
"The mill at Lincknow," Mr (ha! with Krinha Varus. The paper WA
on Tea Culture in Fastern Bengal during terjer Madla a striking intanen published for the expron purpose of 19H werthu that the largest montat
113*wful urine enterpris e alvocating Indian independence au of new planting wanne in the Jalini
Et langertently In to further the Indian Nationaliste . yuri dostart the latest an d
The upp alin 1:16-18 .4 : ment. It pirencher! the doctrines inte tra abandoned in char. The total
Tahle trupe, and even hundreds ded for the hubversion of the Governarea of land is within t catates
labours !!-mployed - the ment of India. Thu nccum amitted increased during the early 30 percent
The following d riptint of Kup te porning 1,600 rpirs, one thu and of froni 1,5,909 1,1007 wr, of which
matu un printing, lwil, . .. which were rent a l'aria lle was re30 per cent is actually under . Owine
blotting, white and buffautidy, a manded on lail. to ful reuting , the
and yelluw wOVE, 110 and V iin! PUNJAD UIN CAP.LENCE.-- has been an iets of 5 prout in the
W . The production in TNI W.. number of the employed during the The following in the list of subjucts
5,190 thund pounds, or roughly
noticed in likely to be laid lefore the Putijab Hinyear, acainst a falling of
Mixty He thoutrind maund, the
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