The Mediona i hende s HUGU--1909. RESOLUSIONS
what that Benj Daft Resolution
Compition hinta Bached software very dlar XVIIL That having regard to the
XVIII. "As in the Comunittoe's encody Ror at dette det gradual diminution of wominons draft, except that the word "the Ina Barendraith Baterhole the
Government and should be omit- . I pr masture la..d cuttie, this Con
Presidentship of the ference urges the Government and tod.
be held at lahat The Hodontiy .the pxople specially the lund-hold
owing to salopprobation p nted ding classes to adopt measures
ho feared up Win the Bengal Po for the protection and preserva
vipeln Congrand committed walked In of cowy and xen. XIX. Thut this conference is of XIX. Omit,
in Jane laat to recommend me for pinion that the Government
the President of the best. Obagus Krunts of ney for racing and
this Cotonnittee meat up the name of the irripution purport in Bengal which
Hon'ble Nawab Syed mod of Madras in nentially an agricultural Pro
and two other name for the purpose. It vince are lumetstilbly inadequate
soon transpired that the Nawaban for it needy ur: urges the Guvert
reluctant to accept the honour and the tent to take the following utups
other two natnes were not supported by ut un carly date:
the other Provincial Committee. The 1. The dredging of the Bhagir
various Provincial Comtoitrees baving wihi. 2. "The immediate adoption of
failed to come to an unanimity on the thy mcusures recouimendu by Mr.
subject, frtul recommendatione again Horn and other expert engineers
berare necewry. On this occanion the for the presvltimuut the annual
Committee had not a blank choque to AIL tlood in the Armagh Sub-divison
but had to contro ita recommendation in by the overflow watur of the Bo
a llet, circulated by the Labor Reception run Breach.
Coromittee, costing DADEA of persona 3. The draining of the KUDA Nath in thu Antik bain in the
, who had been sugevad for the Proidapt1. strict of Howrah
ship by one or other the Provincial XX. 'l'hist in the present stun
XX That this Cookteneu consi- Committee. The three mont eligible tion of the country united action dursan United Congress impers name in wais Hurt, burning that of the being highly desirable, this con- tivoly nooossary in the intent of Hole Nawab Bahadur of Madina
Irucu willenty Appeals to the optentry and believes that the stood to the following order :kundens to bring about # com- buat way to bring about union is to
1. Bir Pherozosbah Matah. urusin between the two wings of bold sunsion electod as in all Conthe Indian Nationnlit furty and
* Mr. G. K. Gokhale. gresach up to 1906, to which any
& tu range.' fur hobling * United
Mr. Surendrantha Banerjes futuro Arangements for the proce. Congte. dure of the Congruas shall be mb.
Considering the strong prajudice tlust Initted. .
existed in Bengal grinat Bir Pberoze(b) That in this view it appoints whah, the Beat Provincial Congress the following Committee to ainfer Committen, in spite of prowaun from our on buball of the province with the wide, will not veutor to put forward him organisurs of the meeting at Lahore name for the Pronulestahlp of the next and with othor provincial leaders Congrow. Indeed, prejudice will runs > for the holding of such a senione high against Bir Paroshab on this Apd' is farther om power the Com vidle of the country that Bungal Duay be mittee in case of necenalty to pro l'obliged to keep away from the next Col pode al Armange for this newwion being held in Calcutta in co-opon
prw'in ce hals electod ita President.
Aw But it tokbele, bi fuppy Puont tion with all who ate desirous of the
union. XXI. That with a view to in
XXI. As in the Committee'n and rapporkers in the provinces and des augurte & vigoroun Myntum of self
| dratt, oniitting only the words Susht lustrong reaction against him help and voluntary work for the
"and voluntary work for the redress popularity The Bengal Committee would rours of their grievance, this of their grivaneen."
I havo hardly juwied Ite oslitenci # Conference urges the
1 reprobatatiri "Sizy people to Additional Resolutions.
i completely organiso village Committee's, Sub
1. That this Conforeno, in, of ignored or put had the thrilty of publie Divimional Association Dil District
opinion that two of the most neces- koeking thi bóth pride Dangal wiart Associatious.
sary and fairportant classes of enter the woundation that w Phucostobals price from the point of view of our commercial dovelopiaent ()
or Mr. Gokhale for the Pawldootahip of Swadushi Banks and (2) Suunt Navigation Counpunih 16 ountro D e Martadt Pedren's the waterways of Bengal and 'urgo n & Bright to the va tho chinwyr nety liat at the instan s bahor proof tribingung makarating a such vince now read the guy alur.
ho have ready, ppfestukenwork 2. The Conference shape they dont de
the dietrotik
la pantalla to guide she best congres
considered suche
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