1 RESOLUTIONS. ix. That is Conference is of opinion that local self-governing hories'inclading Inchayets and Village Voion Torymittees soald be entirely elected on the principle of popular reprosentation and fruert fraai official control and that Village Union botwinttece should he vosted with powers and provid ed with the necessary funds to carry on sanitary improvements
X. That in the opinion of this Conference steps should be taken for promoting a system of education literary, technical and scientific wuited to the requirements of the country on natiohal lines and under national control and maintaining national schools throughout the country Clause (a) is omitted.
BESOLUTIONS. Draft Resolution XIL 'That this Conference enters
XIL As in the Couunittee's Atrong protest against the Caldraft except that in place of "oncutta Police Bill which is an unters a strong protest against should called' for measure of an absolutely be put "strougly condens" retrograde character and which will Ristrict the freedom of astion of the people in Caleutta and will subject them to unscrupulous harassments.
XIII. (a) That in view of the XIII. Omit clans (n), otherlarge surplus under the head of wine as in the Committee's deft Stamp Revenue and the growing poverty of the people, this Conference urges upon the Government the necessity of reducing the Court fees leviod for the institution of suits and cons plainta.
(b) That having regard to the ruinous expenses of litigation in Courts of law, this Conference is of opinion that arbitration Courts should be establisbed throughout the country.
XIV. 'That with a view to mit- 1 XIV. As in the Cominittee's igate the hardship arising from chronic high prices of food stuffs, this Conference urges on the District Associations the necesity of establishing Co-operative Banks And Stres with Dharamagolus throughout the country,
XV. That in view of the rava-l XV. That in view of the mvages of wild animals and the fre- ges of wild animals and frequent quent dacoities in the towns and dacoities in the towns and villages villages, this Conference appeals against which there is no adequatu to the Government to repeal the protection, this Conference is of Arms Act.
opinion that the Arms Act should
be repealed or rastically modified. VI. That this Conference 'XV1. As in the Committee's views with apprehension the de- draft. croase in the normal growth of the Bengali Hindu population and hereby appoints a Committee consisting of the following gentlemen to ascertain the causes which bave led to this state of things and to suggeet what stops should be takon to prorent it.
XVII. That this Conference. XVII. As in the Committee's while sympathising with the Indian draft, except that after firm Attiroaidents of South Africa in their sude" should be inserted "and horoAtruggle for equal rights and is sufferingo". privilegos with the White populesion and admiring their firm attitude, place on record ito deep sense of indignation at the groue wrong inflated on them and maggot the adoption of Boyoott of Colonial and British goods by other
XI. That this Conference is of apidion that the separation of judicial from executive functions, which has boen recogaised in prin. ciple, should be forth with put itto effect and all judicial officers placed under the direct control and supervision of the High Court and that provision shonld be made in the
cheme for the District and Sessions Judges being appointed infuture from the rank of the legal profoagion this country.
a dla by way of patent