HUGLY—1909. Draft Resolutions.
Draft Revolutions. VI. That this Conferenon places
VI. That this Conference looks IX. That this Conferene on record its empontio aud unquali. with strong dinapproval on all me- ruoummande fied condemnation of tho detestablethods of violence and holds that the (a) That all local polf-governin outrnges and deeds of violence fartherance of the national inove- bodies and Panchayets should, with which have been recently commit- ment should be effected by peace- out further delay. be vented with todeanl is of opinion that Ruch Acta ful and legitimate means, and it powers to glect their, own Chair will retard the progress of tho Warns the authorities that the country.
policy of represion atirnulaten ter- (b) That the principle of rope morintativity and the best way to
ventation should be extended to paralyne it is to rostoru normal condition,
village Union Committees and Panobayota.
lo) That the Union Committees VII. ( a ) Thnt thin Conference VII. That this Conferenco em.
should be vestod with powers to records its emphatic 1rotest ngainst phatically condemns the repressive
initiate and carry on measures for the roproative measures adoptod by menruros adoptod by tho Govero.
tho mpitary improvement of the tho Govorumont and expocially ment and appecially the deportation
areas within their jurisdiction and Against the doportation of nino of nine Bengali gentlemen without
that grantu of money should be Bengali gontlemon without trial or trial or charge and consider their
made to them for thet purpore. charge and further protests against immediate relense and the repeal of X. (a) That this Conference the porrintont rofaal of the Gover- the Bengal Regulation III of 1818 urges the Government to tako im ment to furninh any information re- as the only way to ensuage the
mediate action on their circular on
free primary education issued aboub yarling the charges against them and profound discontent created by
three years ago and inviton their to give them an opportunity of exoul- these measures
Attention to the foot that the grant
in aid of technical and pating thomalvor. This Conference
oducation are not at all commer considor tha iminodiate release of
surate with the nood of the tho doportoes a absolutely nocng.
country. wary in the interests of justice and
(b) That in view of the recent frir-play. .
od uontional policy of the Goyan(6) That having regard to the
mont which has practically closed grave risk of injuation involved in
the doors of the University against Govornmont notion based upon
many studonta of the province and otparte and uptostod information
the noconeity of orgnnising a syston and to tho ponal laws of the compte
of literary, scientific, technical and this Conforunca urgos upon to
Industrial eduontion suited to the Government tho ropoal of the Bingal
requirements of the country, this Regulation All of 1818,
Conforonco urges the poople to take
stope to ustablish aduoational insti. VIII. That having regard to tho VIII.' That inanmurhm the
tutions throughout the country on
national linos and under national privalonoo of Cholera, Malaria and Government has failed hitherto to
control. Amallpox in the provinco througout rodom its pledges with regard to
XI. (4) That, while tho your and tho abnormal death the application of the Rond Cons
ito satisfaction at the recognition by into as diagloworl in the last Sanitary for tho purposer originally in.
the Government of India of the Report of Bungal, this Conforunon tondod and has not fulfllad its urgon the Governmont as well duties with rogard to the im.
principle of separation of Judioint
from Exocutive functions, this the poople to adopt among other provomont of wanitation in rural the following maures : Aruna, thu Cunfuruncu dumand the
Conforunde rogrote that effect has
not yot been givon to it. . (1) Tho winking of wolla and the fulfilment of this duty and the
(b) That this Conference is of CLOavation and reservation of tanks organisation of adequate momuros
opinion that the only effective in the villagos for puroly drinking for the provision of good drinking
method of reforming the Polioo's to plirpos wator, modical Aid and propor drain.
soparate the Judicial from the Exe(%) The drining of the rural Ago of thu country,
outive functions and that do soběma
N. B. This in the Pana ruplu. APCA
for wuch separation will be adesse tion with some vorbal modifica (8) The olouring of jungle in tone
fal uplou all the Judicial Officers the inhabitod arons of towns and
are placed ender the diroot control villagos
and supervision of the High Court (1) Tho prevention of noxious
(0) That the Conference is
further of opinion that for the botter dinobarges from septio tanks into the
l'administration of Civil and OnimiRirer Hugli which form tho prinoPolonuse of Cholom in the riparian
nal justion in the country, the
District and Botona Judges should towns and villages on buth banks of
be sorted fronte Among the the said river.
of the log profetelon. wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
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