________________ JAINISM IN NORTH INDIA About Satanika's fight with Dadhivahana we have already referred. The other fact of historical importance that we can get from the Jaina Iterature is this, that "his son and successor was the famous Udayana, the contemporary of Bimbisara." 1 "Again, the grandfather of Udayana," observes Dr Pradhan, "is named Sahasranika by Bhasa, and Vasudaman by the Puranas Sahasranika was a contemporary of Bimbisara and received religious instructions from Mahavira. The Jamnas call him Sasanika, which is evidently a softening of Sahasanika,' the Prakrt equivalent of the Sanskrit from 'Sahasranika' Sasanika was probably the same as the Puranu Vasudaman and had his son Satanika II. Udayana was the son of Satanika II" 2 In this the learned doctor is fully authorised by the BhagavatiSutra, the fifth Anga of the Jainas. We know further that Satanika's sister Jayanti was a staunch follower of Mahavira About Udayana we shall speak at length a little later along with his father-in-law, Canda Pradyota, and his successors, but at present we need say this much only that by the Jainas he is claimed to have been a Jaina, and that "he was a great king who really made some conquests, and contracted matrimonial alliances with the royal houses of Avanti, Anga and Magadha" 5 Taking Siva, the fourth daughter of Cetaka, we find that she was married to Canda Pradyota of Ujjaini, the capital of Avanti or ancient Malwa? He is known to us as Canda Pradyota Mahasena--fierce Pradyota, the possessor of a great army, and as the father-in-law of Udayana of Kausambi, the capital of the country of Varosa or Vatsa "The king of Avanti in the Buddha's time," 1 Raychaudhur, op and loc cut Cf Barnett, op cit, 96, n 2 * Pradhan, op and loc cut "The Katha-Saru-Sagara says that Satanika's son Sahasranika was the father of Udayana Thus the Katha-Sant-Sagara reverses the order certainly wrongly "-Jord C Tawney (ed Penger), Katha-Sari-Sagara, 1, PP 95 96, Raychaudhuri, op and loc cut सहस्साणीयस्स रनो पोल्ने सयाणीयस रखो मुने घेडगरम रनो नर मिगावतीए देवीए पन्नए Tuale fyre me serad a trataru, etoBhagavalt, still 441, p 656 TE U T 407 Hallenfaq 48541 79 28 T ETOT Iord, sul 443, P 558 Pradhan, op cit,P 128 . C Apasyaha-Sutra, P 677 7C Dey, op et,p 209 o cr Pradhan, op al, 280 * Raychaudhuri, opet, P 88 "Kosimba-Nagar or Kosam was the capital of Vanasadeso or Votsyadosa, the kingdom of Udayana " Dey, op al, P 10 Cf thd, p 28 96