________________ JAINISM IN ROYAL FAMILIES see the Ganadhara outside the city where he had taken up his abode. Sudharman's successor Jambu and Jambu's successor Prabhava also visited Campa, and Prabhava's successor, Sayamblava, lived at this city, where he composed the Dasavaikalika-Sutra, containing in ten lectures all the essence of the sacred doctrines of Jainism." 1 "After the death of Bimbisara, Kunika or Ajatasatru made Campa his capital, but after his death his son Udayin transferred the seat of Government to Pataliputra. From the CampakaSreshthi-Katha, a Jaina work, it appears that the town was in a very flourishing condition. In the opening lines the castes and the trades of the town are enumerated. There were perfumers, spice-sellers, sugar-candy sellers, jewellers, leather-tanners, garlandmakers, carpenters, goldsmiths, weavers, washermen," etc.3 Coming to Mrgavati, the third daughter of Cetaka, we find that she was married to King Satanika * of Kausambi, and was known also as the princess of Videha. " Vinayavijayaganin, in his Subodhika commentary to the Kalpa-Sutra, draws from old Jaina sources, and says that when Mahavira visited the town of Kausambi the king of that place was Satanika and the queen was Mrgavati."? That both the king and the queen were devotees of Mahavira can be well established from the Jaina literature itself Looking to the family atmosphere in which she was brought up it is natural that Mrgavati could not be anything else than a Jamna 8 Furthermore, the Jaina tradition tells us in particular that the king's Amatya (minister) and his wife also were Jainas by faith." Dey, op and loc cute weet: gut FIA A O MEU afur: harga 1 gueifaa ch gefa TASACHE 11--Hemacandra, Parsishtaparan, Canto IV, V 1, 9, 88, 85 . Tond, Canto VI, vv 21 if Dey, op and loc ct. Satanikn himself was styled also Parantapa cf Rhys Davids, op cit, p 8 6 "Kaukambi, Kausambi-nugar or Kosam, an old village on the left bank of the Jamuna, about 30 miles to the west of Allahabad "-Dey, op cut, p 96 "Satanika married a princess of Videba, as his son is called Vardehiputra" Raychaudhuri, op cit, P 84 Cf Law (BC), op cit, p 186 * Pradhan, op at, P 257 7: U ngreat at a T eriti. -Kalpa-Sulra, Subodinha-Tika, sit 118, 106 Mahavira had been to Kauskmbr during the years of his wanderings before he was endowed path Kecala-Jfang It so happened that during his stay there Lord Mahavira, oming to some now that he had taken, did not uccept any food for some days, and hence मृगावत्यपि महता दुःखेनाभिभूता , तेन (राजा) शाश्वासिता-तया करियामि यथा कस्येलभजे -Abasyaha-Sitra, p 228 Cf Stevenson (A[rs), op cit, p 40. * सुगुमोऽमायो, नन्दा तस्य भायो, सा च श्रमणोपासिका, सा च श्राडोति मुगावत्या क्यस्या, yarulfa waffran w at: , . --Avasyaha-Sutra, pp 222, 225 Cf KalpaSitra, Subodhuha-Tiha, sul. 118, P 106 95