Vada ] . Gañadharavada
.: 43 : type of sovereignty is not admitted but not all types of it. Similarly, when we refuse to admit the fifth pratisedha, it is the number 'five'associated with it that is denied, and not a pratişedha in all its aspects.
Regarding this refutation, it may be argued that this is all moonshine. For, you refuse to admit in me the sovereignty of the three worlds – a thing that does exist in my case. The number 'five' not admitted in the case of pratisedha is also non-existent. Moreover, samyoga in the case of a house and Devadatta, which is not admitted, is also non-existent. Same is the case with samavāya, sāmānya and vis'eşa. Such being the case, how can you say that what is negatived does exist? The answer to this sort of argument may be given as follows:
That the samyoga between the house and Devadatta is not admitted, does not mean refusal to admit the sanyoga of Devadatta with a field, a market, a village or the like. Moreover, the house has no samyoga with Devadatta only; but it has a samyoga no doubt with a bed-stead or the like.
Similarly the samavāya in the case of an ass and horns is not admited; but the samavāya in the case of a cow and its horns and the like, is certainly admitted.
Likewise sāmānya is not admitted in the case of the moon but it is surely admitted in the case of ghatas, cows, etc. that are more than one in number.
Similarly the measure equal to a ghata is refused so far as the pearls are concerned but it no doubt exists as regards a melton etc. The sovereignty of the three worlds is not admitted, Gautama ! in your case; but it does exist as far as Tirthařkaras are concerned.
Similarly the number five is not admitted regarding the pratişedhas; but it is surely admitted when the question of anuttaras is being discussed.