Vāda ]
•: 37:
" न तं खरे चैव त्ति " खर एव तद्विषाणं नास्ति, अन्यत्र गवादावस्त्येवेति न कश्चिद् व्यभिचारः । ' एवं विवरीयगाहे वित्ति' इदमुक्तं भवति - यदा विपर्यस्तः कश्चित् स्थाणौ ' पुरुष एवायम्' इत्यादिविपरीतग्रहं करोति तदाप्ययमेव न्यायो वाच्यः सोऽपि विपरीत ग्रहो विपरीते पुरुषादिके वस्तुनि सत्येवोपपद्यते, नाविद्यमान इत्यर्थः । एवं भवदभिप्रायेण योऽस्मादृशां शरीर आत्मास्तित्वाभिमानः, नायमात्मनः सर्वथा नास्तित्वे युज्यत इति ।। २४ (१५७२ ) ।।
D. C.—If it is that the object which is doubted, must be. existing in the very place where the doubt arises, then even an ass will have a horn; for, somebody may doubt its existence so far as the ass is concerned. No, this is not true. What we want to imply is that the doubted object exists either in the very place where the doubt arises, or even somewhere else. That an ass has no horns, means that horns are not associated with the ass; but they are found elsewhere, e. g., on the head of a cow. Similar is the case when one object is definitely mistaken for the other. For instance, a man may take a branch-less trunk to be a man. Such a perverse view proves the existence of the object mistaken. Hence Gautama! you may think that we are in the wrong when we admit the existence of a soul in our body. This is our perverse notion according to you. If so, even then it establishes the existence of the soul.
The soul exists, for the following reason to :---
अस्थि अजीवविवक्खो पडिसेहाओ घडोघडस्सेव ।
नत्थि घडो त्ति व जीवत्थित्तपरो नत्थिसद्दोऽयं ॥ २५॥ (१५७३)
Atthi ajivavivakkho padisehão ghado' ghaḍasseva | Nathi ghado tti va jīvatthittaparo natthi saddo 'yam || 25 (1573)
[ अस्त्यजीव विपक्षः प्रतिषेधाद् घटोऽघटस्येव ।
नास्ति घट इतीव जीवास्तित्वपरो नास्तिशब्दोऽयम् ।। २५ ।। ( १५७२)