Vida ]
... Ganadharavāda . . 31 : A parallel example is furnished by a potter, who is an adhisthāt? of a wheel, a piece of cloth, clay, thread, a stick, etc., which are karanas. Whatever has no adhisthātr, has no karana, e. g., ākāsa. Hence it follows that the adhisthātr of the organs of sense is the soul.
Moreover, अथिदिय-विसयाणं आयाणादेयभावओऽवस्स। कम्मार इवादाया लोए सण्डास-लोहाणं ॥२०॥ (१५६८)
Atthindiya-visayānam āyāņādeyabhavaö’vassam 1 Kammāra ivādāyā loe sandāsa-lohāņam il 20 ( 1568 ) [ अस्तीन्द्रिय-विषयाणामादानादेयभावतोऽवश्यम् ।
कार इवादाता लोके सन्दंशक-लोहानाम् ॥ २० ॥ (१५६८) । Astindriya-visayāņām ādānādeyabhāvato' vaśyam | Karmara ivadatā loke sandainsaka-lohānam ॥ 20 (1568)]
Trans.--20 Just as in this world a blacksmith is the ādātr ( grasper ) in the case of a pair of tongs and iron, so there is certainly an ādātr ( viz., the soul ) in the case of organs of . sense and their objects, since they are related as ādāna ( means of grasping ) and adeya ( graspables ). ( 1568)
टीका-इह यत्रादानादेयभावस्तवावश्यमादाता समस्ति, यथा लोके सन्दंशक-लोहानां कर्मारोऽयस्कारः, विद्यते चेन्द्रियविषयाणामादानादेयभावः, अतस्तेषामप्यस्त्यादाता, स च जीवः, यत्र त्वादाता नास्ति, तत्रादानदेयभावोऽपि न विद्यते, यथाऽऽकाश इति ॥ २० (१५६८)॥
D. C.-If there is a relation of the type of adāna and adeya, then there needs be an adatr. A blacksmith is found as the ādātr; for, we come across a pair of tongs and iron which respectively stand for ādāna and ādeya. There is a relation of the kind of adāna and ädeya, in the case of the organs of sense and sense-objects. Therefore, there must be their