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Jinabhadra Gani's .
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the undesirable ones, and you who act accordingly have a soul. To put it explicitly, one in whom are seen indulgence in desirable acts and non-indulgence in undesirable deeds, has a soul, as is the case with one's ( your ) body.
The body of another is seen as associated with desirable activities and dissociated from undesirable ones. Hence that body, too, has a soul. If the soul were non-existent, there was no scope for this association and dissociation, as can be seen in the case of a ghata. This is followed by inference that there is a soul in another's body, too. ___Anticipating doubt in another's mind, the author says :--- जं च न लिंगहि समं मन्नसि लिंगी जओ पुरा गहिओ। संगं ससेण व समं न लिंगओ तोऽणुमेओ सो॥१७॥ (१५६५) सोऽणेगंतो जम्हा लिंगेहि समं न दिट्ठपुवो वि । गहलिंगदरिसणाओ गहोऽणुमेओ सरीरम्मि ॥१८॥ (१५६६) Jam ca na lingehim samam mannasi lingi jaö purā gahiö || Sangam sasena va samam na lingao to'numed so ॥ 17 ( 1565 ) So'neganto jamhā lingehim samam na ditthapuvvo vi | (Jahalinga darisanai gaho'nume sarirammi ॥ 18 ( 1566 ) [ यच्च न लिङ्गैः समं मन्यसे लिङ्गी यतः पुरा गृहीतः।
शृगं शशेन वा समं न लिङ्गतस्ततोऽनुमेयः सः ॥ १७ ॥ (१५६५) सोऽनेकान्तो यस्माल्लिङ्गः समं न दृष्टपूर्वोऽपि ।
ग्रहलिङ्गदर्शनाद् ग्रहोऽनुमेयः शरीरे ॥ १८ ॥ (१५६६ ) Yacca na lingaih samam mangase lingi yataḥ purā gļhitaḥ | Srigam sasena Vii samam na lingatas tato'numeyah sah ॥ 17 (1565) So'nekanto yasmallingaih samam na drstapārvo'pi | Grahalingadarsanad graho'numeyah sarire ॥ 18 ( 1566 ).]