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Vada ]
Gañadharavada इत्यादिना । " पुण्यफलं ति दुक्खं ति" यत एवमुक्तंप्रकारेण दुःखेऽपि सुखाभिमानः, तस्मात् पुण्यफलमपि सर्व तत्वतो दुःखमेवेति 11 849 11 (2004)
D. C.-Bhagavān:-Pleasure afforded by objects like garlands, sandal-wood, and woman etc is, in reality, nothing but misery in this world. This sukha has been distinguished from duḥkha ( in the form ) of passions generated from the eagerness to enjoy sexual pleasures with woman etc. Only ignorant people call it happiness.
But really speaking, such sorts of happiness are only temporarily pleasant like the scratching of herpes.
While, putting to the gallows, aching in the stoniach, headache, and the fetters of imprisonment etc, are known as miseries.
Prabhāsa: -It is evidently contradictory to say that, sukha of the enjoyment with woman etc. and of the attainment of the sovereignty etc. are duḥkha.
Bhagavān: It is not contradictory to say so. It is perceived as sukha only to those who are disillusioned by ignorance. There will be establishment of sukha similar to the scratching of herpes or enjoying the forbidden food even in misery as they act as resistance against the distress of passions produced by eagerness to attain pleasure.
So, it has been said
Nagnaḥ preta ivāvistaḥ kvaṇantīmupgrihya tām
Gādhayasitasarvāngah sa sukhî ramate kila alill Autsukyamatramavasādayati pratiştha kliśnāti labdha
paripälanavrittireva i Natiśramāpagamanāya yathă śramaya rājyam svabastagata
daņdamivatapatram 112 11