Vada ] .. Gañadharavāda .
11 : “ Etāvān eva loko’yam yāvān indriyagocaraḥ |
Bhadre ! vrkapadam paśya yad vadanti bahušrutāḥ ir”
This means :- This world is only as much as is within the range of the senses. My good lady! see the foot-prints of the wolf. Highly learned individuals also say so.
Bhatta, too, says :
“ Vijñānaghana evaitebhyo bhūtebhyaḥ samutthāya tānyevānuvinasyati, na ca pretyasañjnā'sti. ”
This means :--This material body which is nothing else but consciousness, after having been generated from the five elements, is dissolved into them, and there is no clear conception for future life.
Sugata says :“Na rūpam bhikṣavaḥ ! pudgalah " This means :-0 saints ! rūpa ( form ) is not a soul.
In the āgamas, we come across passages which admit the existence of the soul. For instance, in the Veda, we hear :
“ Na hi vai ser sararasya priyāpriyayor: apahatircsti, a sarîrøm vā vasantam priyapriye na sprašatah.”
This means:--There is no destruction of priya (attachment) and apriya (aversion) in connection with the embodied soul. Attachment and aversion do not affect a disembodied soul.
Also “ Agnihotram juhuyāt svargakāmah ” .
This means : An individual desirous of acquiring heaven, should perform agnihotra ( a sacrifice to the god Agni).
The agama of the Kāpilas says :“ Asti puruso akartā nirguno bhoktā cidrūpah. ” . This means :-There exists a puruşa ( a personal animate