Vada ] Gañadharavada
• 497 : दूरमुपनीता घ्राणसंवेद्या भवन्ति । योजननवकात्तु परतो गतास्तथाविधं कश्चित् सूक्ष्मपरिणाममापन्ना नैकस्यापीन्द्रियस्य विषयतां प्रतिपद्यन्त इति । अनया दिशाऽन्यापि पुद्गलपरिणामता चित्रा भावनीयेति ॥४४॥ (१९८९)
D. C.- The manifold nature of pudgala-pariņāmas is explained by means of the following example. Substances such as a sheet of gold, salt, ginger, harîtakî ( yellow iuyrobalans), citrakavela, jaggery eto-are first apprehended by senseorgans like eye etc, and then they undergo apprehension by means of other sense-organs such as that of touch, taste eto, when accompained by different substances, fields, and times etc. A sheet of gold is first apprehended by eyes, but when passed through fire and mixed with ashes for purification, it is apprehended by the sense of touch as well. Afterwards when it is separated from it, again it becomes apprehensible by eyes, The same is the case with objects like salt, ginger, green vegetables, jaggery etc. They are also caksurgrāhya at the first instance, but when mixed with ashes or other groups of medicines or when turned into liquid, powder or paste, they are perceived by the sense of touch. Pudgalus like camphor and musk although perceptible by eyes at first, undergo perception by the sense of smell when carried by wind to a long distance.
On the other hand, some pudgalas when carried to a distance longer than nine yojanast do not undergo perception by means of any sense-organ on account of their subtle changes. In all these cases, variegated nature of the changes of pudgalas, is the main cause. ll 441 11 ( 1989)
Besides, एगेगेंदियगज्झा जह वायवादओ तहग्गेया। होउं चक्खुग्गज्झा घाणिंदियगज्झयामेंति ॥ ४४२॥ (१९९०)
+ One Yojana=Four Kos'as or 9 miles (approximately)