Vsda ] . Gañadharavada
.: 475 :. Indicating the existence of para-loka thereby, the author statesघडचेयणया नासो पडचेयणया समुब्भवो समयं । संताणेणावत्था तहेह-परलोअ-जीवाणं ॥ ४१८॥ (१९६६) मणुएहलोगनासो सुराइपरलोगसंभवो समयं । जीवतयाऽवत्थाणं नेहभवो नेय परलोओ ॥ ४१९ ॥ (१९६७) Ghadaceyanayā nāso padaceyanayā samubbhavo samayam i Santānenavatthā taheha-paralia-jivanam ॥ 418 ॥ ( 1966) Manuehaloganāso surāiparaloga sambhavo samayam i Jivataya'vatthānam nehabhavo neya paraloo ॥ 419 ॥ ( 1967 ) [ घटचेतनया नाशः पटचेतनया समुद्भवः समकम् ।
संतानेनावस्था तथेह-परलोक-जीवानाम् ॥ ४१८ ।। ( १९६६) मनुजेहलोकनाशः सुरादिपरलोकसंभवः समकम् ।
जीवतयाऽवस्थानं नेहभवो नैव परलोकः ।। ४१९ ॥ (१९६७) Ghatacetanayā nāśaḥ pațacetanaya samadbhavaḥ sama kami Santānenavastha tatheha-paraloka-jivanam ॥ 418 ॥ (1966) Manujehalokanaśaḥ surädiparalokasambhavaḥ samakami Jivata ya’vasthanam nehabhavo naiva paralokaḥ || 419 11 ( 1967 ) ]
Trans.--418-419 Destruction of the cognizance of ghata, production of the cognizance of pata, and retention of their continuous range, are (apprehended ) all at a time. The same is the case with this world, the other world, and the jiva. Vanishing of this human world and coming into existence of the world like that of divine beings are simultaneous. Retention in the state of) jiva is neither this world nor the other world. ( 1966-1967 )
टीका-घटविषय विज्ञानं घटचेतनोच्यते, पटविषयं तु विज्ञानं पटचेतना।