Vada ] Gañadharavada
•: 461 :etc. which have already been discussed in the First Ganadhara-vāda ll 403 11 ( 1951 )
The author now states the arguments advanced by the student as follows
मन्नसि जइ चेयपणं मजंगमउ व भयधम्मो त्ति । तो नत्थि परलोगो तन्नासे जेण तन्नासो ॥ ४०४ ॥ (१९५२) Mannasi jai ceyannam majjargamau vya bhūyadhammo tti i To natthi paralogo tannāse jena tannāso il 404 11 ( 1952 ) [ मन्यसे यदि चैतन्यं मद्याङ्गमद इव भूतधर्म इति ।
ततो नास्ति परलोकस्तन्नाशे येन तन्नाशः ॥४०४ ॥ (१९५२) Mangase yadi caitanyam Dadyangamada iva bhūtadharma iti 1 Tato nasti paralokastannase yena tannāsah ॥ 404 ।। ( 1952)]
Trans.-404 If you believe consciousness to be the property of bhūtas, just as intoxication is that of the constituents of wine, the destruction of consciousness being consequent at the destruction of the bhūtas, the other world will not exist. (1952) ____टीका-सौम्य! त्वमेवं मन्यसे-यदि तावचैतन्यं पृथिव्यादिभूतधर्म:भूतेभ्योऽनर्थान्तरभूतमित्यर्थः, यथा गुड-धातक्यादिमद्याङ्गेभ्योऽनन्तरं मदधर्मः, तर्हि नास्त्यवान्तरगमनलक्षणः परलोका, येन तन्नाशे भूतनाशे तस्यापि चैतन्यस्य नाशो ध्वंसो जायते । यो हि यदनान्तरभूतो धर्मः स तद्विनाशे नश्यत्येव, यथा पटादिधर्मः शुक्लत्वादिः। ततो भूतैरेव सह प्रागेव नष्टस्य चैतन्यस्य कुतो भवान्तरगमनम् ? इति ।। ४०४ ॥ (१९५२)
D. C.-When you take cartanya as the property of a bhūta like prithvi, it will not be separate from bhūtas, just as the constituents of wine such as jaggery and dhātaki puspa etc. are not different from their property of intoxication. Consequently, when bhūtas meet destruction, their property viz caitanya will also meet destruction, just as whiteness of cloth