* 375:
occupied by persons like Devadatta, these luminaries are also undoubtedly occupied by devinities.
Maurya-Like Devadatta etc residing in the houses of a city, the gods who are the residents of the luminary bodies should also be perceptible
Bhagavan:-It is not proper to advance such an argument. Because the places of residence are absolutely different from the houses in a city. So, their residents viz gods are also characteristically different from Devadatta etc. Although they are not apprehended by the indriyas, their existence is admitted without doubt.
Maurya:-You cannot assert exclusively that every place of residence is always occupied by a resident For, nobody would reside in a barren house. (It is forbidden to reside in such a house) From the existence of abode, therefore, you cannot infer the existence of the occupant.
Bhagavan:-A residing place is never sunya. It must have been occupied by some person or the other, either in the past or in future or at present. In case of luminary places of resort, gods like moon etc. must have occuplied the places at some time in the past, present, or future 323 (1871)
को जाणइ व किमेयं ति होज निस्संसयं विमाणाई । रयणमयनभोगमणादिह जइ विज्जाहराईणं ॥ ३२४ ॥ (१८७२ )
Ko jāņai va kimeyam ti hojja missamsayam vimānāim | Rayanamayanabhogamanadiha jaha vijjāharāînam u 324 (1872)
[ को जानाति वा किमेतदिति भवेद् निस्संशयं विमानानि । रत्नमयनभोगमनादिह यथा विद्याधरादीनाम् || ३२४ ।। ( १८७२ ) Ko jānāti va kimetaditi bhaved nissamsayam vimānāni | Ratnamayanabhogamanadiha yatha vidyadharadinām 32411(1872)]
Trans-324 "Or, who knows what it is?" They are