:- 346 :
Jinabhadra Gani's
[ The sixth
Ko vā niccaggāho savvam ciya vi bhava-bhanga-ṭṭhiimaiyam Pajjāyantaramettappanādaniccāivavaeso ॥ 295 ॥ ( 1843 )
[ को वा नित्यग्रहः सर्वमेवापि भव - भङ्ग - स्थितिमयम् । पर्यायान्तरमात्रार्पणादनित्यादिव्यपदेशः ।। २९५ ।। ( १८४३ ) Ko va nityagrahaḥ sarvamevapi bhava-bhanga-sthitimayam | Paryāyāntaramātrarpanadanityadivyapadeśah || 295 ॥ ( 1843 ) ]
Trāns. - 295 Or, what ( of ) assuming nityatā ? Everything is susceptible to the state of production, destruction and existence. Only by the imposition of various methods, attributes like transitoriness etc., are designated ( 1843 )
टीका - गतार्था, नवरं पर्यायान्तरमात्रस्यार्पणं प्रधानभावेन विवक्षणं तस्मादनित्यादिव्यपदेशः, तथाहि - घटः पूर्वेण मृत्पिण्डपर्यायेण विनश्यति, घटपर्यायतया पुनरुत्पद्यते, मृद्रूपतया त्ववतिष्ठते । ततश्च यो विनष्टरूपतादिपर्यायो यदार्पितः प्रधानभूतो विवक्ष्यते, तदा तेनानित्यत्वादिव्यपदेशः । एवमसावपि मुक्तः संसारितया विनष्टः, सिद्धतयोत्पन्नः, जीवत्व - सोपयोगत्वादिभिस्त्ववतिष्ठते, तथा, प्रथमसमयसिद्धतया विनश्यति, द्विसमयसिद्धतयोस्पद्यते, द्रव्यत्व - जीवत्वादिभिस्त्ववतिष्ठते । ततोऽर्पितपर्यायेणानित्यत्वादिव्यपदेश इति ।। २९५ ॥ ( १८४३ ) ।।
D. C. - It is useless to insist that a free soul is exclusi
vely nitya Attributes like a-ntyata could be indicated by means of various methods. Before ghata comes into existence, its form as a lump of earth vanishes and comes into existence as a particular shape of earth named ghata, and continues to exist in that state after its production also.
The same is the case with muktātmā. The muktātmā also vanishes as a mundane, comes into existence as mukta and continues to be in that state by virtue of its life and utility. So, it vanishes at the first time as it is established, comes into existence by virtue of its being established at the second time,