Vada ] Gañadharavada
.: 321 : कर्म संभवति “क्रियत इति कर्म" इति व्युत्पत्तेः, यच्च तस्य करणमसावेव FT gia T Alcate: ? 117 € 11 (3688) 11
D. C.-Some deha is such that it serves as the cause of some future actions, while it itself has already been the effect of some past actions. The Karma in turn also serves as the cause of some body to come, while it has itself been the effect of some other body in the past. Thus, in this anādi samsāra the santūna of deha and Karma is also anādi as it never stops to rest.
Mandika :-But it is quite irrelevant to establish the anāditva of Karma-santāna, For, the point is to establish the existence of bandha and moksa
Bhagavān :- It is not so, O Manduka ! "Kriyate iti Karma" that which is accomplished is action. So, an unaccomplished action is never possible. In the accomplishment of Karma, its kārana is nothing but bandha, and hence the significance of establishing the anāditva of Karma-santāna.
Mandika :-If that which has been accomplished is Karma, who is the kartā of this deha? 266 ( 1814 ).
The Bhagavān replies कत्ता जीवो कम्मस्स करणओ जह घडस्स घडकारो । एवं चिय देहस्स वि कम्मकरणसंभवाउ त्ति ॥२६७॥(१८१५) Kattā jîvo kammassa karanao jaha ghadassa ghadakāro 1 Evam ciya dehassa vi kammakaranasambhavāu tti 11 267 11(1815) [कर्ता जीवः कर्मणः करणतो यथा घटस्य घटकारः।
एवमेव देहस्यापि कर्मकरणसंभवादिति ॥ २६७ ॥ ( १८१५) Karta jîvaḥ karmaṇah karaṇato yathá ghatasya ghatakaraḥ | Evameva dehasyāpi karmakaranasambhavaditi u 267 || ( 1815 )]