•: 126 :- . Jinabhadra Gani's [The second
Then, how is the Karma-santāna born ? The reply is :संताणोऽणाई उ परोप्परं हेउहेउभावाओ। देहस्स य कम्मस्स य गोयम ! बीयं-कुराणं व ॥९१॥(१६३९) Santāņo'nāî u paropparam heuheubhāvāo 1 Dehassa ya kammassa ya Goyama ! bîyam-kurāņam va 1191(1639) [सन्तानोऽनादिस्तु परस्परं हेतुहेतुभावात् ।
देहस्य च कर्मणश्व गौतम ! बीजा-कुरयोरिव ।।९१॥ (१६३९) Santāno'nādistu parasparam hetuhetubhāvāt i Dehasya ca karmanasca Gautama ! bijankurayoriva ॥ 91 (1639)]
Trans.-91 And, O Gautama ! as Karman and body are mutually related as the causes of each other like the seed and sprout, the continuous range of Karman will have no beginning. ( 1639)
___टीका-अनादिः कर्मणः सन्तान इति प्रतिज्ञा। देहकर्मणोः परस्परं हेतुहेतुमद्भावादिति हेतुः। बीजा-ऽङ्कुरयोरिवेति दृष्टान्तः । यथा बीजेनाऽङ्कुरो अन्यते, अङ्कुरादपि क्रमेण बीजमुपजायते, एवं देहेन कर्म जन्यते, कर्मणा तु देह इत्येवं पुनः पुनरपि परस्परमनादिकालीनहेतुहेतुमद्भावादित्यर्थः । इह ययोरन्योऽन्यं हेतुहेतुमद्भावस्तयोरनादिः सन्तानः, यथा बीजा-ङ्करपितृपुत्रादीनाम्, तथा च देह-कर्मणोः, ततोऽनादिः कर्मसन्तान इति ॥ ९१ (१६३९)॥
___D. C.--The expanse of Karmcom has no beginning, as deha and Karman are related to each other as lietu and hetumat. Just as a sprout is born of seed and the seed, in turn, is produced from the sprout; in the same way, Karman is also produced from deha, and deha, in turn, is born of Karman. Thus deha and Karman, are related as the causes of each other like bâja and ankura. So, just as the continuous range of bija and ankura or pitā and putra is anādi, that of deha and Karman should also be anādi.