Vada ]
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ammi zûdgai ànea zenofaara:, azaza y a, grdazzeègnzaरेणोपपद्यत इति भावः । एतच्चैव प्रागुक्तमेवेति ॥ ७४-७५ (१६२२-१६२३)।।
D. C.-" Since.........objects "" means "because in this world innumerable beings are found to be only unhappy due (janita) to the maturity of evil actions; " it also means "Only few are those who enjoy happiness which depends upon (nibandhana) the maturity of good actions. Tena-because of that reason, O gentle student! know that (i. e. conclude that) each and every action good or bad, is adṛṣṭaikantika phala i. e., such as gives a reward which is invariably of the form of a ( new) action which is unseen and both good and bad. Thus, "anistabhogabhajo bahutarakaḥ" is to be connected with "tena.........sarva the first half of the succeeding verse (v/1623). The sense of the sentence is as follows:-Because in this world we find a great majority of beings to be suffering and only a few to be enjoying, we should infer that in the case of the suffering, the fruit of the unseen principle (adrsta) in the form of "evil karma "† based upon (nibandhana) activities like cultivation of land, trade, injury to living beings etc., has ripened, but in the case of the rest (the enjoying) the fruit of the unseen principle (adṛṣṭa) in the form of good karma produced by (hetuka) the activities of giving a gift to a worthy recipient has ripened. An opponent may ask Why not the reverse of what you say? The reply is as follows:-Just because in the world only those who do evil activities are in a majority and only those who perform good deeds are in a minority.
Here the opponent argues:-If even those who do evil deeds get a fruit in the form of an adṛṣṭa (in addition to the drsta or visible fruit e. g., the crops by means of cultivation of the land), then why is it that, just like one who does
†The word "karma is here used in the sense of samcita karma which is also called adrsta-Tr.