Vada ]
the reply as a welcome conclusion (iştāpatti ) and say that even though we do not at present find the world as occupied only by those who do the good deeds and get the good rewards, let it be so in future according to our assumption, since the assumption leads to a welcome result. Even though no body would get Liberation, the world in any case would be better than it is now. “ Na caivam drsyate” is, in any case not justified by any word in the original verse.-The Translator's Note.
___An opponent may ask “ What, therefore." So, the author replies :जमणि?भोगभाजो बहुतरगा जं च नेह मइपुत्वं । अदिवाणिट्ठफलं कोइ वि किरियं समारभइ ॥ ७४॥ (१६२२) तेण पडिवज्ज किरिया अदिद्वेगंतियप्फला सवा। दिट्ठाणेगंतफला सावि अदिट्ठाणुभावेण ॥७५ ॥ (१६२३)
Jamanitthabhogabhäjo bahutaragā jam ca neha maipuvvas i Aditthānitthaphalam koi vi kiriyam samārabhai 11 74 (1622) Tena padivajja kiriyā aditthegantiyapphalā savvā | Ditthanegantaphalā savi aditthānubhavena ॥ 75 (1623) [ यदनिष्टभोगभाजो बहुतरका यच्च नेह मतिपूर्वाम् ।
अदृष्टानिष्टफलां कश्चिदपि क्रियां समारभते ।। ७४ ॥ (१६२२) तेन प्रतिपद्यस्व क्रियाऽदृष्टैकान्तिकफला सर्वा ।
दृष्टानैकान्तिकफला साप्यदृष्टानुभावेन ॥ ७५ ॥ (१६२३) . Yadanistabhogabhājo bahutarakai yacca neha matipūrvām i Adrstanistaphalam kascidapi kriyām samārabhate ॥ 74 ( 1622) Tena pratipadyasva kriya’dřstaikāntikaphalā sarvā i Drstanaikāntikaphala Sapyadrstanubhavena ॥ 75 ( 1623 )] ____ Trans.-74-75 Since a great majority of souls experience undesired objects, and since none whatsoever is this world,