*:58 : . Jinabhadra Gani's
[The first great deal of bondages. One who has fetters all along his body: except a finger may be mentioned as an illustration.
Thus, owing to oneness there is no possiblity for happiness, etc. So it follows that there are many souls and not only one.
Refutation of the view-point of the Naiyāyikas, who admit (the existence of) many souls, but take them to be all-pervading:जीवो तणुमेत्तत्थो जह कुंभो तग्गुणोवलंभाओ। अहवाऽणुवलंभाओ भिन्नम्मि घडे पडस्सेव ॥३८॥ (१५८६) Jivo tanumettattho jaha kumbho taggumovalambhāö 1 Ahavā’nuvalambhāö bhinnammi ghade padasseva ll 38 ( 1586 ) [ जीवस्तनुमात्रस्थो यथा कुम्भस्तद्गुणोपलम्भात् ।।
अथवाऽनुपलम्भाद् भिन्ने घटे पटस्येव ॥ ३८ ॥ (१५८६) Jīvastanumatrastho yathā kumbhastadguṇopalambhāti Athavā’nupalambhād bhinne ghate patasyeva II 38 ( 1586 ) ]
Transe.-38 The soul permeates the body only, since its attributes are found there, as is the case with a pitcher. Or because it is not found ( elsewhere ), as is the case with a piece of cloth ( which does not permeate ), a pitcher is different from it. ( 1586)
टीका-तनुमात्रस्थो जीव इति प्रतिज्ञा, तत्रैव तद्गुणोपलब्धेः, यथा घटः, 'स्वात्ममात्रे' इति शेषः। “अहवेत्यादि" अथवा, यो यत्र प्रमाणैनोंपलभ्यते तस्य तत्राभाव एव, यथा भिन्ने घटे पटस्य, नोपलभ्यते च शरीराद् बहिर्जीवः, तस्मात् तस्य तत्राभाव एवेति ॥ ३८ (१५८६ ) ॥ ____D. C.-The measure of the soul is only as much as that of the body it occupies. That is to say, there is no soul outside the body it occupies. For, its attributes are found only in that body. To give an illustration, the attributes of a pitcher exist only in a pitcher and not outside it.