Vada ] Ganadhara vada
:57 . Egatte natthi suhĩ bahūvaghāu tti desaniruu vya / Bahuttara baddhattanao na ya mukko desamukko vva ॥ 37 (1585) [एकत्वे नास्ति सुखी बहूपघात इति देशनिरुज इव ।
बहुतरबद्धत्वतो न च मुक्तो देशमुक्त इव ॥ ३७ ॥ (१५८५) .. Ekatve násti sukhi babūpaghāta iti deśaniruja iva | . Bahutarabaddhtrato na ca mukto desamukta iva ॥ 37 ( 1585 )] ___Trans.-37 When there is oneness ( of the souls ), none is ( completely ) happy on account of many diseases, as is the case with one who is partially free from disease. Furtheremore, none is ( entirely ) liberated owing to many bondages, as is the case with one who is partially free. ( 1585)
टीका-इदमत्र हृदयम् -नारक-तिर्यगादयोऽनन्ता जीवा नानाविधशरीर--मानसोपघातसंपातैर्दुःखिता एव, तदनन्तभागवर्तिनस्तु सुखिनः, एवमनन्ता बद्धाः, तदनन्तभागवर्तिनस्तु मुक्ताः, तेषां च सर्वेषामेकत्वे न कोऽपि सुखी प्राप्नोति, बहुतरोपघातान्वितत्वात् , यथा सर्वाङ्गरोगग्रस्तोऽमुल्येकदेशेन नीरोगो यज्ञदत्तः, एवं न कोऽपि मुक्तस्तत्सुखभाक् च न कोऽपि घटते, बहुतरबद्धत्वात् , यथा सर्वाङ्गकीलितोगुल्येकदेशमुक्तः। तस्मादेकत्वे सुखाद्यनुपपत्तेर्नानात्वं जीवानामिति स्थितम् ॥ ३७ (१५८५) ॥ ___D. C.- There are infinite living beings viz., denizens of hell, tiryacs and others, who are certainly unhappy on account of their suffering from various types of physical and mental diseases, and only an infinitesimal portion of them is happy. Similarly infinite beings are tied down by the bondages of karmans, and only an infinitesimal part of them is liberated. If all these living beings are not looked upon as differənt entities, but are considered as only one, then none can be seen happy owing to a great many diseases, as is the case with Yajñadatta who has a disease in all parts of the body except in a finger. Similarly none is liberated, and hence none can enjoy the bliss accruing from liberation, since there is a