of producing effects ( på faalprit) in other things, and stands in certain relations to them. For finite things exist and mani. fest their existence by acting and reacting, thereby exercising causality (altura) on one another ; we distinguish these powers of action and re-action by the effects which they mutually produce, and, it goes without saying that we call these powers as their qualities ( Ju ). But the degree of the effect which a thing produces on other things depends on certain relations in which it stands in regard Quality. to them i. e. relations of time and space ( form and watu haw). Then, again, we cannot think of any change or Idea, End or any action excepting as tending towards the realisation of some particular end or idea. It is true that some hold that all actions and changes are due to the blind operation of material forces and fortuitous concourse of atoms and molecules without any idea or end to realise ; but there are also other angles of vision which find reason as underlying all pheno. mena. From this point of view we see