Fundamental Notions.- Categories or Predicaments by pre-eminence. - Their Necessity and Origin.-- How determined.- Advantages of such determination.Dravya. Guna. Paryaya and Karma.--Papa and Punya. ---Classification and description in general of the Predicaments.-- Their enumeration.
context of the funda mental Ideas
such as :
We have already seen that Right Vision, Right Knowledge, and Right Conduct are the three principal departments of our
philosophical enquiry. Origin and But in dealing with these, as we have
la: remarked, we have often to-make use
of such and certain fundamental ideas or notions as are not only the necessary forms according to which we ourselves must conceive things but which must also be regarded as necessary forms and relations of the things themselves. For in thinking, to be more clear, we think something about a thing and what we think about a thing is that it has powers