But what he wants to emphasise is that inspite of metaphysical differences all the systems of Indian philosophy agree with regard 10 values of life and spiritual discipline. He substantiates his finding by the quotations from the works of different systems.
The author quotes anonymously from the Hitopades'a, the Bhagavadgitā, the Brahmabindu, the Nyāyamañjari, the Mahadevastotra, the Yajñavalkyasmrti, the Vyasasmrti and the Trišaştıšalakapuruşacarita He refers to Bhatfäraka Śrı Śuka and Višvakarma and anatesa thais moneda
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mewuvosmoTony Unt Type Or DISCUSsion, viz yada (discussion that aims only at finding truth of the matter discussed) and rejects the other two types, viz Jalpa (mere wrangliag) and vitanda (caviling)
Wbile refuting Vaisesika system the author declares that prthoz (eartb). ap (water), tejas (fire) and vāyu (air) are pot four independent susbstances.
That is, there is no qualitative difference among the atoms. Again, he does not endorse the Vaisesika view that Dig is an independent - substaoce He disapproves of the Vaiśesika tenet that substance (gun) and