Duritāri or Prajnapti.
The first name belongs to the Sretāmbara representation, the second to the Digambara. Duritāri rides a ram and is fourhanded. The hands hold l'arada, rosary, fruit and Abhara. The Digambara Prajňapti places herself upon a bird. She has six hands, which are adorned with an axe, crescent, fruit, sword, (Idhi) and Vara-mudra.?
The symbol of a ram in the case of Duritāri implies her connexion with the wife of Agni. The symbols of Vara and rosary also support this supposition. The conception of Prajñapti scerns clearly to be derived from that of Sarasvati or goddess of learning. The bird appears to be a peacock as her husband is represented as riding on the same bird (Barhivāhana). Further, the name 'Prajñapti' literally means 'one of intellect' (Prajia) and we find, therefore, the name in the list of the Vidyadevis to be described later.
Vajra-Syriikhalā or Kāli.
Descriptions of this Yakșiņi of Abhinandana disser with the two sccts. The Digambaras represent Vajra-Sriikhala as riding on a swan and holding in her four hands a snake, noose, rosary and fruit.' The Svetāmbara variant of the same Yakṣiṇī
1. दुरितारिदेवी गौरवर्णां मेषवाहनां चतुर्भुजां वरदाक्षसूत्रयुक्तदक्षिणकरां फलाभयान्वितवामकरां च ।
(MSS Jūānamandir, Agra). Cr. चतुर्भुजा गौरवर्णा मेषवाहनगामिनी ।
दक्षिणाभ्यां भुजाभ्यां तु वरदेनाक्षसूत्रिणा ।। ___ वामाभ्यां शोभमाना तु फलेनाभयदेन च । 2. प्रज्ञप्तिदेवता श्वेता षड्भुजा पक्षिवाहना ॥ अर्धेन्दु परशुं धत्ते फलासीढिवरप्रदा।
Pratisth:āsārasangraha (MSS Jainendrabhavana. Arrah). cr.पक्षिस्थार्धेन्दुपरशुफलासीढिवरैः सिता।
Pratisthāsūroddhāra. 3. वरदा हंसमारूढा देवता वज्रशृङ्खला। नागपाशाक्षसूत्रोरुफलहस्ता चतुर्भुजा ॥
Pratisthivarasameraha (MSS, Arrah).