Jaina Iconography
Ajitā or Rohini.
Her symbolic vehicle varies with different texts even among the same sect. For instance most of the Svetāmbara books, in agreement with the Digambara books, give her an iron-seat (Lohisana) but the Svetambara text called the Icāradinakara makes her vehicle a bull. The other symbols, which she holds in her hands are constantly among the Svetāmbara books as follows-I'arada Mudrā, noose, citron and grad. Except the Yaksiņi's common vehicle, the Digambara books furnish her hands differently with the following attribute's :--Tarada, albhaya, conch and disc.
Examples of images of this Yaksiņi are only too limited. The one or two figures that I have been able to see show the bull symbol and co-ordinate with the description. A clear image may be seen in the Deogarh Fori.
The Yaksimī's name and symbolismo seem to be obviously connected with those of her Jina Ajiranātha. She has been named after him as Ajitā, mcaning invincible.' ller spirit, ils such, is also symbolised by the iron-scat (Lohāsani), known for its hardness and metallic strength.
दक्षिणबाहुभ्यां वरदेनाथ पागिनौ । बीजपूगङ्कुशभृद्भ्यां वामदोभ्या॑ च शोभिता । लोहासनस्था पार्वेऽस्थाद् भर्तुः शासनदेवता ॥
Hemacandra's Ajitanulhucurita. Gr. लोहासनाधिरूढां चतुर्भुजां वरदपाशाधिष्ठितदक्षिणकरां बीजपूराङ्कुशयुक्तवामकरां चेति ।
Nirvanakaliki (MSS. Jūānamandir, Agra). Again, गोगामिनी धवलरुक् । 'वामेतरं वरदपाशविभासमाना। वामं च पाणियुगलं सृणिमातुलिङ्गयुक्तं ..
Irādinukura libhaya (MSS., Rāmaghāļa Collection). देवी लोहासनारूढा रोहिण्याख्या चतुर्भुजा । वरदोभयहस्तासौ शङ्खचक्रोज्ज्वलायुधा ।।
___Pratisthāsārasamgralu. (MSS. Jainabhavana, Arrah). Cr. स्वर्णद्युतिशङ्खरथाङ्गशस्त्रा लोहासनस्थाऽभयदानहस्ता।