XLIV and XLV According to hrot, the mafic rises to the eight states by practising virtue. The states are all, qrs1Tacy, Den for fo, TTT, TTTH and are the gives Hity for faza, and yra nas been dropped in Wilson's text and ours, but is given in the Benares edition. By practising vice, the g utie sinks to the five states of qy. Test, ITfree and FUTAT. The प्राकृतिकबन्ध, according to वाच०, is due to the identification of the Spirit with amat itself; but are includes the eight kinds of evolvents (tras ) in this bondage. The a r t, according to arzo, is the identification of the Spirit with the farmarts of gaat (i. e. the evolutes); but according to her, this bondage is brought about by making the eight states, viz., the ATE, TF197 and others, as the summum monum. These three kinds of bondages are explained by atao at length in his Tareh on iTT 1. 24.
The word gaat in afarsa:, stands for H erramira, according to atao; but, according to fire and Art. the word denotes gaTEETGERA177:
For the criticisun of Keith, see Sovani (p. 424 ). This creation of intellect or "the conduct of the human understanding" (Davies, p. 84), distinguished by Ignorance, Incapacity, Contentment and Attainment, is divided into fisty kınds.
fit and for illustrate all these four states by means of an example of post. There is facin, when you are in doubt, whether you are seeing a man or a post. There is open, when even after seeing the post clearly, you are not entirely free from the doubt. There is are, when you do not want to remove the doubt as to the identity of the post. There is FHA when you succeed in establishing the correct identity of th