So विना विशेषैः means विना सामः शरीरैः. But this is confusing because, to say that there (composed of thirteen principles) cannotlexist without सूक्ष्मशरीर (composed of लिr and पञ्चतन्मात्राs) is not logical. Eo's explanation is better when he says that for cannot exist without faites viz., the five subtle elements. चन्द्रिका gives a different opinion of sorne commentator :-केचितु स्थूलशरीरावश्यकत्वाभिप्रायकमिदमिति वर्णयन्ति । तथा हि, लिङ्ग समुदायात्मकं लिङ्गशरीरं विशेष: स्थलदेहे विना निराश्रयं सन्न तिष्ठति, किन्तु स्थूलशरीरमाश्रित्यैव तिष्ठति । अतो न लिङ्गशरीरेण स्थूलशरीरस्यान्यथासिद्धिरिति भावः ॥
XLIII According to argo and 590 dispositions may be divided like this
कार्यायिण: The प्राकृतभावs, which are innate, are of four kinds, vis., धर्म, ज्ञान, वैराग्य and ऐश्वर्य. They belong to कपिल only. Those de. pending on the instruments (करणाश्रयिणः) are eight viz., धर्म, अधर्म, ज्ञान, अज्ञान, वैराग्य, अवैराग्य, ऐश्वर्य and अनैश्वर्य. Those dispositions which depend on the effect or body (770i aftur:) are also eight, viz., five when the body is in the womb and three, i. e., childhood, youth and old age, when the body is outside the womb. गोड and माठर, however, divide the भावs into three kinds-सांसिहिक, प्राकृत and वैकृत. धर्म, ज्ञान, वैराग्य and ऐपयं are born along with कपिल, so they are सांसिद्धिक or cognate in his case; but they come to समक, सनन्दन, सनातन and सनत्कुमार (the four sons of pe ) after their birth, and are therefore, flat or natural in their case. The arm or acquired dispositions re. side in ordinary human beings and depend upon the instruments and the effected body.