It (subtle body) becomes 'specific' by the aggregation of the subtle elements which in themselves are 'non-specific' or diversified." (Davies, p. 76). But, according to 977o, p roti prentararaquarante: ( Kar. 40 );--the subtle body is called specific because it is endowed with the sense. organs possessed of the qualities of calmness, violence and delusion.
ara-According to arzo, each Spirit is endowed with a subtle-body at the beginning of the creation. But according to #. #. Haga Ron ( III. 9 ), there is an aggregate of subtle bodies which is created in the beginning. Cf. farao. Progetti, e Fei Furtwater rü:. Then, how do the subtle bodies separate ? To this, the replies
t ifatatara ( III. 10 )--they are separated or differentiated according to particular actions. On this fantae comments-यवपि सर्गादौ हिरण्यगर्भोपाधिरूपमेकमेव लिङ्गम्, तथापि तस्य पश्चाद्वयक्तिभेदो व्यक्तिरूपेणांशतो नानात्वमपि भवति । But, is not this idea of recograf foreign to fire ?
According to this #1, the number of the constituents of Royait is eighteen, but according to 7, it is seventeen. fancto has ingeniously removed this discrepancy by saying-- अहङ्कारस्य च बुद्धावेवान्तर्भाव. ।
A distinction should be made between fee and possa fie The latter is the vehicle of the former, which consists of thirteon principles, viz., intellect, ego, mind, five organs of sense and five organs of action, and which is referred to as 8417: go in the authority quoted by 979. .
The reading of site and 7167 is fear fasta:, whileas atro has विना विशेष:. वाच. calls the सूक्ष्मभरीर as विशेष in Karika XL.