Renunciation, and so, O long living one, thou must have recourse to Renunciation and give up all practice of meditation. The satisfaction arising from this instruction is named 'Upādāna' ( Means ), also called 'Salila."
(221) The Contentment that follows upon the feeling w. Oeha of satisfaction arising from the instruction
that “. Renunciation' also cannot bring about Emancipation at once, Renunciation also will bring you success only when the time is ripe for it; there is no need for undergoing the troubles of 'Renunciation.'". This is the Contentment named 'Time', also called 'Ogha' . (222) The fourth form of Contentment is the feeling of
satisfaction arising from the following ; IV Vrst: "" Discriminative wisdom proceeds neither
from nature nor from any other nicans (such as Renunciation) nor does it depend solely upon time, but it comes only by luck; thus it was through mere luck that the children of Madalasă obtained wisdom in their infancy through their mother's instructions and thereby attained Emancipation. This form of contentment is named. Luck' also called . Vrsti'. (223) The external forms of Contentment are next
described The external forms are five, The five external arising from abstinence from sound, odour, forms
etc.,—the five objects of sense. These belong to those who are free from all attachment, but regard the non-Spirits Nature, Will, I principle and the rest to be Spirit. These forms are called external because they presuppose the existence of Spirit, without knowing what it is; and apperta'n to what is not-Spirit. In as much as these forms of Contentment appear only when there is absence of attachment.--and as the sources of such absence are five, - the absence also is five-fold; and as the absence of attach: